✦ This is my favorite photo of the week, Agatha is just too precious! - Collage & Edition in FotoJet, photos by @Tesmoforia ✦

🇪🇸 ~ 2024 fue un año muy crudo si quisiera hablar de accidentes y situaciones difíciles con las mascotas en casa, las propias, las de amigos cercanos, y los que tratamos de ayudar en situación de calle.
A veces, las tragedias suceden una tras otra, un día debes correr a emergencias veterinarias, al siguiente fallece un cachorro, al otro se te ha descompensado una camada de gatitos, y poco después regresa a tu patio un gatito con la cola fracturada, cuando ayer estaba en perfectas condiciones...
Mi cerebro, imagino como mecanismo de defensa, disocia muchas situaciones para poder continuar siendo activa y útil para los que aún quedan, para poder seguir ayudando.
🇺🇸 ~ If I wanted to talk about accidents and difficult situations with pets at home, our own, those of close friends, and those we try to help in street situations, 2024 has been a very tough year.
Sometimes tragedies happen one after another, one day you have to rush to the vet, the next day a puppy dies, the next day a litter of kittens has decompensated, and shortly after a kitten returns to your yard with a broken tail, when yesterday it was in perfect condition?
My brain, I imagine as a defense mechanism, dissociates many situations in order to continue to be active and useful to those who remain, to be able to continue to help.

✦ I was able to take many new pictures of the kitten during some visits to her caregivers, it's great to see her recovered because she was very sick ✦

✦ After much searching I was able to buy a kit to feed baby kittens for some neighbors who are taking care of a litter of 1 month old abandoned kittens, until then they were fed with a syringe and it was very uncomfortable ✦

✦ And also these eye drops, I don't know what happened but they are very scarce in the area of the city where I live but I needed them as an emergency ✦

LA RESPUESTA ES: ¡CLARO QUE VALE LA PENA!, sin duda lo vale y hoy quiero hablar de eso y compartir fotos nuevas con muy felices noticias.
THE ANSWER IS: OF COURSE IT'S WORTH IT, and today I want to talk about it and share new photos with very happy news.
Esta semana ha sido fantástica porque estamos viendo los resultados de tanto amor y perseverancia: Gatitos recuperados y promesas de nuevos hogares que espero concretar el día lunes.
This week has been fantastic because we are seeing the results of so much love and perseverance: Kittens recovered and promises of new homes that I hope to make concrete on Monday.

✦ Topaz has grown a lot and is beautiful, I made him a mini photo session, I even used one for a previous post, these are different ✦

✦ Tokio has also grown a lot but was very sick to his stomach, he has lost a lot of weight ✦

✦ But it hasn't lost its charm :3 ✦

✦ Kamui is very clingy and that's strange, he always sticks to me and I don't know why because he hates to be carried ✦

Esta semana "Grisi" consiguió su fur-ever home. Una señora fascinada por la rareza de su rostro se enamoro de ella y vino a buscarla con su familia. Es una gran noticia porque la pobre Grisi recibía normalmente comentarios desagradables sobre su cara, que era fea o parecía una bruja, pero la verdad es que es una gatita muy exótica y solo debía aparecer la persona correcta (puedes conocer su historia aquí).
This week “Grisi” got her fur-ever home. A lady fascinated by the oddity of her face fell in love with her and came to pick her up with her family. It's great news because poor Grisi usually received nasty comments about her face, that she was ugly or looked like a witch, but the truth is that she is a very exotic kitty and only the right person had to show up (you can know her story here.)
De verdad necesitaba esa buena noticia porque en menos de 10 días he tenido que correr con el drama de 3 gatitas que recién han dado a luz, 1 con un parto muy complicado y bueno... 2 de 3 no han salido bien, espero la 3era camada lo logre.
I really needed this good news because in less than 10 days I have had to deal with the drama of 3 kittens that just gave birth, 1 with a very complicated delivery and well... 2 of the 3 did not do well, I hope the 3rd litter will make it.

✦ Apolo will soon be 2 years old and he already looks like an adult cat, he has calmed down a lot after a few months of his neutering but he is still quite naughty ✦

✦ These are some pictures of the last morning I was sick, the daylight was so beautiful that I felt very nostalgic and I wanted a memory... and oh, Apollo was there ✦

✦ These may be the last photos I have of her. I wish you happiness and a long and beautiful life little angel, it was a privilege for me to be able to take care of you and help you on your way, and sorry for not having reached you before ✦

2 noticias espectaculares mas es que "Carita de Budín" tambien ha conseguido familia adoptante, y no cualquier persona, una señora psicóloga amiga de mi mamá con una familia muy bella se ha enamorado de ella y espero en máximo 3 días poder enviarla con ellos, aunque la entrega estaba pautada ayer pero por la situación país, todos estamos resguardados.
Carita de Budin tiene un carácter dulce y manso, es perfecta como gatita para casa, no es el tipo de animalito que deba estar en la calle.
Y la 3era y ultima gran noticia, es que "Agatha", la gatita portada de este post, consiguió sobrevivir a una infección respiratoria grave.
Ella no esta bajo mi cuidado pero sigo su caso con mucha atencion, ella es una bebé que con menos de 15 días de nacida fue rescatada por mis vecinos, y tu sabes la misión titánica que es lograr salvar y sacar adelante a un gatito tan pequeño sin su madre.
Agatha hoy esta maravillosamente bien a pesar de su perpetua expresión de tragedia, y también pronto ira con una familia amorosa que la esta esperando desde el día de su rescate, que aprenda a comer sólidos y usar la cajita de arena es lo único que se esperaba para su entrega.
Hoy celebro los frutos de tanto esfuerzo, desvelos y lágrimas, mías y de mis amigos y vecinos.
No siempre se gana, pero hoy fue esa rara, preciosa excepción, de por fin ver finales felices.
2 more spectacular news is that "Puddin Face" has also found an adoptive family, and not just anyone, a psychologist friend of my mom with a very nice family has fallen in love with her and I hope to send her to them in 3 days at the latest, although the delivery was scheduled yesterday but due to the country situation, we are all sheltered.
Puddin Face has a sweet and gentle character, she is perfect as a house cat, she is not the kind of animal that should be on the streets.
And the 3rd and last big news is that "Agatha", the cover cat of this post, has managed to survive a serious respiratory infection.
She is not under my care, but I am following her case with great attention, she is a baby who was rescued by my neighbors at less than 15 days old, and you know what a titanic mission it is to save and raise such a small kitten without its mother.
Today, Agatha is doing wonderfully, despite her constant expression of tragedy, and will soon go to a loving family that has been waiting for her since the day she was rescued, and learning to eat solid food and using the litter box is the only thing that was expected of her at birth.
Today I celebrate the fruits of so much effort and tears, mine and those of my friends and neighbors.
You don't always win, but today was that rare, precious exception to finally seeing happy endings.

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✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
📸 Tools: Smartphone 📲 Snow 🎬 Remini 🌓 FotoJet 📐
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? Discord #tesmoforia 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares
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