A Happy Sunday at the Beach: His Late Birthday Date Celebration

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hi, Hivers! It’s reshychannn popping on your feed, and I am here for another blog to share with you all. This blog is all about how I spent my Sunday. I hope you guys will enjoy reading this blog.


    The weekend is the only time that we all get to relax after a very busy schedule at work or school during the weekdays. Somehow, we always think of things that we want to do on the weekend. I’m sure everyone has different plans for how they want to spend their weekend, such as spending time with the family, going on a trip, grabbing foods and drinks, going on dates with friends and loved ones, and the list goes on. But here’s how I spend my Sunday weekend:


    Last Sunday, I spent the day at the beach with my boyfriend. Honestly, we had already planned this beach date a long time ago. However, I always get lazy and would choose to stay at home when the planned date arrives. It had just never been realized until now, and he was so happy.


    Just a little flashback:

    April 9, 2024 was my boyfriend’s birthday. However, we were not able to celebrate it because he was in the city for work and I was in the province. He was really sad because he was alone. He even cried when I called him on the phone. So, this time, I really promised to celebrate his birthday when he comes home on the weekend. It was supposed to have happened on Saturday, but I was busy with the “usherette” thing. If you've read my previous blog, you’ll understand what I mean.



    On a Sunday morning, at 6:00 am, to be exact, we rushed to the market to buy the ingredients because I wanted to cook “pansit” (noodles). It is a famous Filipino dish that is served on every occasion. After buying the ingredients, we went home (to my parents’ house) and prepared the ingredients so that I could start cooking.

    Cooking is one of the many things that I love. I love cooking for the people that are important to me. I think it is my love language.


    While I was cooking, my boyfriend also marinated the chicken wing and leg that we bought because he wanted to roast it when we’re already at the beach. We also have hotdogs.


    When I was done cooking, we prepared the things that we would be bringing to the beach, such as plates, disposable glasses, a spoon and fork, drinks, a tent, and, of course, the foods. This is just a simple late birthday-date celebration.

    After the preparation, I told my father that we would now be going out and heading to the beach. We just left some food for them in the house. We then headed to the beach by riding our motorcycle, and we were both excited for this trip. The beach is just a 5-minute drive away from our house. However, the way there is not very fine because the lanes are full of rocks, deformed soil, and narrow spaces. But it was fine, though.


    When we arrived, we paid the entrance fee of ₱10.00 per head and also ₱10.00 for the parking fee.


    This is the parking area.

    At the Beach

    Since vehicles are not allowed to go inside, (except for the one that you see in the picture because their house is inside the beach property) we walked from the parking area to the beach for like two minutes. We looked for a nice space, set up our tent, and prepared our foods and things.


    After setting up the tent, I went inside and changed my clothes while he started to light the charcoal so he could start roasting (barbecueing) the chicken and hotdogs. We were both so happy because we finally made our plan come true.



    I also helped him roast, and I was also the one who coated the cooked barbecue with ketchup. After everything was cooked, we set up all the foods on the mat or blanket that we have outside the tent.

    We forgot to bring a brush for the ketchup, so we just improvised one using coconut leaves.
    This is how we set up our foods. The view looks great and peaceful.

    We took photos and videos as a memory of this lovely trip. I also sang him a happy birthday, and he was teary-eyed (hahahahaha). I love teasing him. After the picture-taking, we started eating and enjoyed our food while looking at the beautiful and peaceful surroundings.



    The beach didn’t have a lot of people at that time. So it was very quiet and serene, and I loved it. We just sat there and talked about different things while eating. We didn’t swim in the sea because it was very hot. We just appreciate the beautiful ocean.


    After eating, I sliced the cake for dessert. We just bought a small cake since it’s just the two of us. But of course, we will not be able to eat all of this, so we will still be bringing it back home.



    After a while, I asked him to take more photos of me. And thankfully, he managed to take at least two great pictures. However, most pictures were moved to trash (hahahaha).


    I also took a photo of him.


    We spent more time there by just talking about a lot of things, such as our next trip, my graduation, my future, and many more. We also enjoyed joking around and laughing at our silly jokes. It’s so nice to have someone with whom you can share all these things.

    After a few hours, we decided to go home since he still has some errands to run. He will be visiting his brother, who’s in the hospital.

    We kept and packed our things, and we made sure that we didn’t leave any trash in the area. After that, we went home happy and fulfilled.


    This is how my Sunday went. It was a very simple and peaceful late birthday date and celebration. But we surely made another memory to look back on.

    I just want to tell everyone to always make way for the little things that make people happy, especially your loved ones. It’s really true that “little things matter." A simple date, appreciation, and attention are all they need.

    Thank you so much for reading this blog. I hope you guys will also pursue your planned trips that haven’t been realized until now. Take care, my dear Hivers. I’ll see you on my next blog soon!



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