My neighbours and I

in voilk •  9 days ago


    I’m the type of person who can stay 10 years in a compound without having issues with any neighbors, both far and close. It's not that I'm too secretive or living an excessively private life; I just appreciate certain boundaries to avoid potential issues.

    I'm currently living in an old pattern of building undergoing some renovations. Everyone in the compound uses a shared toilet except me because my apartment has its own facilities. This allows me to live somewhat separately from the others, except when it comes to matters requiring general contribution like things like electricity or water.

    Do we borrow things from each other?

    To some extent, yes.

    At this stage in my life, I don’t have everything I need, so I occasionally ask for help with things I lack. However, I do this very minimally. For instance, I would never borrow food items that would indicate hunger or desperation. I only seek items like electrical tools or a large cutlass when necessary. I'm very organized in my lifestyle, so I plan ahead for essential items. Oh yeah, my gas finishes sometimes unaware and I know how to go about covering up without even borrowing.

    Do they borrow from me?

    To a large extent, yes.

    Though I live a private life, I am open to everyone. For example, I'm the only one with a generator in the compound, and you know what that means. My house is open for everyone, both in and outside the compound, to charge their phones whenever I run the generator. I understand how it feels to be met with a cold reception when seeking to charge a phone, so I never do that to anyone.

    I used to have more spoons, but now I only have six left because I often give them away and don’t like to ask for them back. I frequently buy lighters and matches because I give them out, and they aren't returned. Honestly, I don't mind this; it's my way of being welcoming to my neighbors while maintaining my private life.

    Is the bond okay? Do we sit, talk, and laugh?

    This is where I have a little fault because I always seem busy, making it difficult for me to spend time sitting in someone's house and chatting for long hours. I know it's not ideal, but that's how it is. There is one neighbor who usually comes to my workspace whenever he isn't working, and I make an effort to give him his time too.

    But this doesn’t mean I don’t interact with people. I do talk and laugh with them, but not for extended periods. Most of the children in the neighborhood are friendly with me because I engage with them, buy things for them, and even iron their school uniforms for free.

    Also, I get invited to neighbours parties, and I make an effort to attend. If there wasn't some bond, I wouldn't have these opportunities.

    So that’s how I am with my neighbors. Not too close, but close to some extent, always cautious of boundaries to avoid issues.

    Thanks for reading.

    This is my entry to Hiveghana prompt of the week

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