Out in the Garden - March 4, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Mesclun cover on crop March 2024.jpg

    I’d noticed on Sunday the mesclun was all up. I can’t lower the light as it’s at the end of its chain. So on Monday morning when I took the cover off, I put boards under the tray to raise it up.

    Mesclun cover off crop March 2024.jpg

    That made it just about high enough so the seedlings wouldn’t get stretched out.

    The supervisor crop March 2024.jpg

    On the porch, the pots had soaked up all the water, and I was able to squeeze the last 3 pots of heliotrope into the tray. Nothing was up yet. Then I watered all the trays as they had soaked up all the water.

    I got laundry started, my post up, and started breakfast. I was aiming to be ready by 9:30AM, what I had on the calendar. My friend was picking me up to go to the Bulb Show. Then at 9AM I heard a knock at the door. She was early because she wanted to visit and get caught up on my life.

    So we chatted away as I finished getting ready to go.

    New Herb - all tall stuff cut downn crop Feb. 2024.jpg

    Back on February 10 my general helper and I had started on the New Herb garden. She had cut down all the tall stuff and I had started weeding at the far end, getting 2½ rows done. But you can see there’s a LOT of green and 90% of it is that invasive weed.

    New Herb - Rows 6 and 7 not done crop March 2024.jpg

    So as soon as I got home from the Bulb Show at noon, I changed my clothes and my helper and I headed for the New Herb garden. I started off where I’d left off and she started on the 7th walkway. She got that done and started on the 7th row. I made it up to the 5th walkway and got half of the 6th row weeded.

    New Herb - nearly weeded crop March 2024.jpg

    We’d been at it for 4 hours and I was wicked tired. So we still have the rest of the 6th and half of the 7th rows to do, and the 6th walkway. I don’t know when we will get back to it, as it’s to rain a good part of the week.

    On Tuesday I have an appointment and then I plan to work on the transcription and finish the laundry. In the afternoon when my brother gets home, we have to set up the office for my mom’s visit on Thursday.

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