Book Review : Bung Karno's Romance with A High School Student

in voilk •  3 months ago

    How are you hive friends hope everything is fine. On this occasion I tried to Review a book about "Bungkarno's Romance with A High School Student". This book was written by Kadjat Adra'i, consisting of 42 chapters, number of pages 419, first printing Bamboo Community, March 2010.


    Biography of President Sukarno's love with Yurike Sanger

    Bung Karno was the first President of Indonesia and a proclaimer of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. A respected person, charismatic,loud when they Made speaches with out using a scrip, they are respected admired by both men and women, many women are attracted to Bung Karno.


    Art objects in the form paintings and has a large collection of paintings. They way to the palace apart from God's Will, being Bung Karno's wife is also good luck according to Yurike Sanger.


    At that time Yurike sanger was still in junior high school, there was some one looking for young people to join the Barisan of Bhineka Tunggal Ika dressed in regional customer to appear as the President of Indonesia at official state events or welcoming country guests.

    The chosen name Yurike Sanger is still considered young, chosen from the encourgement of the school principal and considerations from Yurike sanger parents. The Bhinika Tinggal Ika line up which consists of 100 people or 50 Pairs, is of course prepered more stricsly and disciplined in training.

    Actually Yurike sanger dream is to become a flight attendant at an Indonesian air line. Yurike sanger first experience of being in the Bhineka Tunggal Ika group, when there was a Presidential activity at the sport palace,During the event and the atmosphere was quite busy.

    All eyes were focused on Yurike sanger face because the younest in the group. President Sukarno was walking a mong the Bhineka Tunggal Ika group, suddenly stopped in fron of Yurike and had time to ask her name, where she studied. Yurike sanger shaking and confused when asked by the number one person in Indonesia, at that time in 1963.

    In Yurike sanger heart, were you dreaming?is this the intial signal that Will become the red tread of Yurike's subsequent life. Once upon a time after the Bhineka Tunggal Ika event was over Bung Karno and his bodyguards took Yurike to his house.

    He didn't expect a President to take Yurike sanger to his house and meet his parents, he couldn't believe that Bung Karno as President wanted to go to an ordinary personts house. Yurike sanger every time there was a Bhineka Tunggal Ika was piced up and excorted home by bodyguards.

    The neighbors had stated to ask what Yurike sanger relaction ship was with Bung karno, the President, Yurike has left primary school and continued to high school. Yurike sanger continued to study and on still active in the ranks of Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

    Friends at school didnot believe they were members of the Bhineka Tunggal Ika ranks and had begun to have a close relationship with Bung Karno. Aplication. As time went by in July 1964 Bung Karno came to Yurike's parents houses to have dinner together, with light guard everything had been prepared especially the the President's favorite menu with Javanese flavors.

    Bung Karno was welcomed by Yurike's parents and are at one table, after dinner was finished Bung Karno conveyed his intention that Bung Karno wanted Yurike sanger to be his Wife. So Bung Karno submitied a proposed, Yurike's parents didn't that Bung Karno was proposing to Yurike sanger.

    Yurike's parents asked for a few days when Yurike sanger parent agreed to accept the proposal. Bung Karno felt happy, oh my God, said Yurike, is it true that everything Yurike experienced was not Mirage?.

    Bung Karno is not type of person who is generous, Yurike only met him three Times until before the wedding, he gave the first thing a recklace, several pieces of Kebaya and a Rolex brand watch.

    Yurike sanger went on as usual at that time when she was still at school and none of her friends knew. Bung Karno always sent letter giving news Yurike. With the passage of time. The wedding day arrival on August 6 1964, at 10 am Bung Karno arrived with a loose bodyguard.


    Everything had been prepared and the wedding was held in an Islamic way, also simply after the wedding is wasn't long before Bung Karno left Yurike's parents house because of him busy schedule as President.

    The first night at the Palace
    The next night Bung Karno's wife took him to the palace and was picked up by the President guard, and Yurike as his Wife slept for the first nigh with her husband at the palace.

    Then in the morning using Yurike's palace vehicle he returned to his parents house. The President stayed at Yutike's parents house for a while the husband and wife slept at Yutike's parent until Yurike got the house promised by Bung Karno as her husband.

    The houses you are looking for has been found according to Yurike's whises, the place is spacious and not crowded he house is a state confiscated house. From the beginning before marrying Bung Karno, Yurike sanger already knew that Yurike was not the first wife in Bung Karno's life.

    Yurike sanger is Pregnant
    Yurike once fell faint and was taken to the hospital at that time, my husband as President was having activities a broad. Yurike was treated for 21 days, there was a problem in the stomach after surgery the doctor checked that Yurike was pregnant out side the womb.

    Presidential Coup
    Life's journey the are morents of Joy, there are Times of sorrow. The darkes sorrows. The bloody Coup of the 30 September 1965 movement, by the Revolutionary council many generals had killed six generals and an officer.

    The incident occurred on Oktober 1, 1965 at ground 0.3.00 in the morning the aim was to over throw President Sukarno, at that time Yurike was in Bali and Kupang. Bung Karno deliberately didn't fell her, after finding out a few days later Yurike returned to Jakarta. My toug husband surrendered when the President was officially taken and given to general Soeharto on March 12, 1967.

    Bung Karno was expelled from the Palace
    Bung Karno left the palace because the President needed a palace after the new President was inaugurated on March 12 1967. Then Bung Karno was put under house arrest, Yurike sanger economi life in 1968 became increasingly worrying.


    Since being under house arrest, Bung Karno's health has declined, until June 21 1970 at 0.7.00 Bung Karno died in a Jakarta hospital. Bung Karno died at the age of 69 years, he died and when Yurike was visiting.


    Before Bung Karno died of illness, Yurike was given the advice that Yurike should divorce for Yurike's good. Bung Karno's request was complied with, after Bung Karno's death, Yurike sanger finally returned to his parents and lived his next life.

    In My opinion, Bung Karno's romantic journey with a girl named Yurike Sanger was very unique short from introduction to Bung Karno proposing to marriage. Bung Karno is a romantic person, every time he gives Yurike sanger a letter he always included the world love. Yurike's love is sincere as is Bung Karno's acceptance of love with responsibility and romantically.
    Thank you Hive book club Community. Thank you to all friends, enjoy your happy heart. Greetings.

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