Love and friendship

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Jasper Donovan could be described as a roman warrior or a Greek god, women always compared him to either of the two. He was a good-looking, handsome, kind and funny 33-years-old man who adored his family and was loved by all. JD as he was popularly called by his friends ran a company that created apps. Occasionally he sold some of them and he made a lot of money. He was sitting in his kitchen that evening, staring at his Best friend Lillian whom he fondly called Lille in shock.

    “Say something JD, stop staring at me as if I just told you a nuclear war is about to begin” Lillian said prodding his shoulder.

    The nuclear war would have been more exciting news than what Lillian had just told him. When she had asked him to leave work early because they had good news to celebrate he had happily obliged and even bought expensive bottles of wines thinking that she had either been promoted or she had finally dumped her boyfriend Luke who JD hated from the first day they were introduced, but instead Lillian had just told him Luke had proposed, and she had said yes.

    “Earth to Jasper!” she said again, snapping her fingers in his face.

    He pushed her fingers aside, filled a glass to the brim and drank it, then filled it again and held the glass. Lillian looked at him, stifling a laugh.

    “What's so funny, Lillian? Your news is quite unexpected but not funny” JD replied, picking up his wine glass and taking a sip.

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    “Your face is funny. Look, JD I know you don't like Luke…”

    “Ha!” JD interjected, finishing the wine in one go and filling the glass again.

    “I love him, I really do, and you've got to be my man of honor. Just try to know Luke and you'll love him” Lillian pleaded.

    Jasper and Lillian had been friends since they were kids, they had bonded at the playground after fighting over a swing. She was a beautiful with a kind heart and couldn't believe anyone was bad. Lillian had also had countless failed relationships, somehow all her boyfriends were either con artists or cheats. Jasper knew Luke wasn't going to be any different and was constantly trying to ruin the relationship.

    “Fine! Congrats then. If it's Luke your heart yearns for, who am I to stop love?” he said engulfing her in a hug.

    “Yay! thanks, best friend, I still haven't figured out why you hate Luke” Lillian said, taking the glass from him and sipping wine.

    "I just don't trust him Lillie, he's just like the others” Jasper said

    “I need you to put the energy you've spent trying to end my relationship into being happy for me” she replied

    "Brushing my concerns aside as always, Lillian” he said pinching her ear. “Anyway I'm bigger than him, it shouldn't be that difficult to beat him up if he misbehaves”

    By night fall the kitchen was filled with laughter and more bottles lined the island. Eventually, they ordered pizza and laughed some more before both falling asleep on the kitchen floor.

    The next morning they both woke up with hangovers and Lillian had mascara circles around her eyes. Jasper took one look at her and laughed, groaning as it made his head ache. Lillian stood up slowly, holding her head and looking around the kitchen.

    “What time is it?” she asked, looking for her phone. She paused to look at the empty bottles, “Did we drink 8 bottles of wine last night plus all these beers or did we invite anyone over?”

    “No one came over, we drank it all” Jasper replied smiling.

    Lillian gasped when she saw the time. It was 7:15am and she had a meeting at 8:00am.

    “Jasper Donovan you're a bad influence on my life!” she wailed stumbling out of his apartment.

    “I love you too” he yelled after her, wincing as his head throbbed. He drank two glasses of water and painkillers before heading upstairs to sleep.

    Jasper sat in his office two days later when his phone pinged. He picked it up to see a text from another friend, Colin :
    Happy birthday to me! Party at my flat, bring a guest and wine!

    He smiled to himself and texted back to wish him a happy birthday and confirm that he'd be there. Jasper always forgot birthdays, except Lillian's and his family members. Oh, well, he thought to himself,
    I might as well invite Lillian and Luke. He quickly sent a text to Lillian
    Birthday Party @ Colin's tonight. You and Luke wanna come?

    Ten minutes later Jasper read her reply frowning
    Thanks for the invite JD, but we can’t, Luke travelled with my car for business and I have work to finish at home. Take one of your girlfriends ;) xx.

    Jasper wondered why Luke would take Lillian's car, maybe because it was more flashy, and he wanted to impress his clients. He invited his brother instead and made a mental note to call Lillian later. At around 9pm, William and his younger brother Paul arrived at Colin's flat. They were searching for a place to park when he spotted Lillian's car.

    "That's strange, Lille told me she couldn't come” William said to his brother as they stepped out of the car with bottles of wines.

    "Maybe Luke came back, and she changed her mind and decided to come?” Paul replied after William told him about the text.

    He shrugged and walked up to the flat, he would be happy to see Lillian, and perhaps he would try to be friends with Luke.

    “JD my man” a voice boomed from the sofa immediately he stepped in.

    “Hello birthday boy” he shouted, hugging Colin.

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    The party was in full swing, people were dancing and shouting excitedly

    “Is Lillian here, I saw her car parked outside” he asked Colin

    “No she isn't except she came in through the back door but if she did, she would've looked for me, I think” Colin replied

    Jasper was confused and decided to call Lillian. He went outside to make the call, only for him to notice someone was in Lillian's car. He walked towards the car and saw Luke making out with another girl in the back of the car. Jasper was filled with rage because Luke had lied to his best friend, and also because Lillian wouldn't believe him if he told her what he'd seen. He brought out his phone and took some pictures silently, then tapped the door to get their attention and waved.

    What happened after that was hectic. Jasper stormed back to the party to inform Colin that he had to leave. Paul opted to stay behind and Luke kept on following him around begging him not to tell Lillian because it would kill her.

    “I swear Jasper I won't do it again” Luke begged fervently

    "Again? So you've been cheating on her?” he asked in disbelief.

    “Look we're both men, you understand these things” Luke tried to defend himself. Jasper nearly ran over his foot as he drove off in anger.

    A week after the party, Jasper realized he was in a pickle. He didn't know how to tell Lillian what he'd seen because she would think he was lying to ruin her relationship and might not believe him, but then again maybe the photos would convince her. On the other hand, she was happy with Luke, and possibly he would change soon and Jasper should just mind his business.

    He called his mother for advice and she asked him a simple question

    “Son, if the tables were turned, and you found out that Lillian knew your wife-to-be was fooling around and didn't tell you, would you be angry at her?

    “Yes mum, I would be furious” he had replied.

    He finally made up his mind to tell Lillian when Paul had sent him another picture of Colin with a girl at a club. That was when Jasper realized he couldn't let his best friend make the mistake of marrying Luke. He called her and went to her place during the weekend.

    Lillian was bubbly and happily chatting with him while he sat there thinking of the best way to tell her. An opportunity presented itself when she said,

    “JD, you'll never believe what happened the other day. Some girl stopped me outside a store to ask why I was driving her boyfriend's car. She was quite insistent and nearly caused a scene” she said, laughing.

    When she saw he wasn't laughing, she asked him what the matter was. He took a deep breath and told her everything, showing her the pictures. She stared at it with tears pouring down her face. Wordlessly, she removed the ring and placed it on the table.

    “I'm sorry Lille, I really am” he said, comforting her

    “Thank you for telling me, you just saved me the divorce lawyer's fee” she said, trying to smile through tears.

    “Don't be daft, you're my best friend and sister. I would never keep something like this from you. You'll be fine”. He replied, smiling because he knew he almost hadn't told her. “Just promise me you'll let me pick your next boyfriend!”

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