Discovering Treasures A Day at an Antique Estate Sale

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Yesterday was an extraordinary day for my wife and I as we ventured into an antique estate sale that felt more like stepping back in time. The occasion arose from the passing of the estate's owner, leading the family to part with the home's antiquated contents. The artifacts we encountered were portals to the past, with many dating back to the 1700s.
    IMAGE Burled walnut music stand from England circ 1850 an item we purchased for the audio room.

    My wife assisted in working the event and I came in as a buyer. The living room area had an array of paintings from the 1800s. These weren't ordinary pieces; the previous owner had acquired them for over $8,000 each back in the 1980s, a testament to their value and rarity, although the market trend of these pieces has diminished significantly since the original purchase. The furniture was equally impressive, featuring pieces from the 1800s crafted from burled walnuts and amboyna, an extremely rare wood that spoke volumes of the owners sophisticated taste in fine antiques.

    The estate sale was not just about larger items; it offered a glimpse into the personal style of the era with vintage clothing that included a top hat manufactured in England in the 1800s, alongside vintage furs, jewelry, and other unique accessories. This sale was the tail end of a much larger auction, one that had already seen several hundred thousand dollars' worth of items find new homes. Yet, the pieces that remained were no less captivating, and the remaining items will be sold at another auction where they would surely dazzle yet another generation of admirers.

    Among these treasures, my wife and I were lucky enough to secure a few prized pieces ourselves. These aren't just acquisitions; they're investments, pieces we plan to eventually offer for resale. But beyond the potential financial return, the joy and excitement of discovering these items, of imagining their stories and the hands they've passed through, made our day at the estate truly memorable.
    IMAGE Die hard estate buyers lined up for over an hour in -8 degree weather, "ONLY IN CANADA EH!"

    All in all, it was a journey through history, a day spent uncovering the stories and craftsmanship of a bygone era. We left not just with items, but with some photographic memories and a deeper appreciation for the past.

    IMAGE 1800's Enland top had, another purchase we made to go with our collection of fine vintage wear.










    IMAGE Burled walnut music stand from England circ 1850 an item we purchased for the audio room.





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