Shadows of The Samurai : Welcome to Caslte Kaneda

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Greetings Gaming Photographer Community! How are you today? I hope you have a hively awesome day! This post is my entry for the Gaming Photographer weekly contest. Check this contest out @tommyl33 @tawadak24

    I had to admit, this week theme is tougher than it look. Every journey and adventure in game can be categorized as virtual adventure, so it make every gamer easier to take part, but hard to decide which adventure can really stand out. So after reading the example that was given in the contest detail, I finally decided what I am about to post. My game of choice, of course, always, Ghost of Tsushima.

    In order for me to continue my adventure to the new region, Toyotama, which is the middle part of Tsushima World, I need to liberate people in Castle Kanede, especially Jin's Uncle, Shimura. By unlocking Castle Kaneda, the main way to proceed the adventure to the north also available. So, this mission is important.

    I never been inside Castle Kaneda before, I tried but it's locked. I only get shots from inside and wasted couple of time while approaching the castle. So after gathering my allies, and tool needed for the quest, I finally have a chance to get inside. Lady Masako, Sensei Ishikawa, and Yuna come with me to raid the castle.

    Getting inside the castle was tricky. I had to use my grapple hook to climb up the steep hill and search for the gap between the fences which enough for me to squeeze my body and get inside the barrack of the castle. I need to become ghost once again, to kill undetected, and open the gate for my allies.

    Like I said, I had to assassinate each guard without the other guard realize it.

    Some of the enemy were still sleeping while I am inside the barrack. So, I had no choice but to put them to sleep forever.

    After all the enemies has been killed, I opened the front gate for my allies. To my surprise, Kenji also joined us! But, not Ryuzo. So sad that Ryuzo and his straw hats team were not around.

    After we discussed the strategy, Yuna and Sensei Ishikawa take different part and clear the part along the hill with their longbow, while me and Lady Masako take the hardest part which packed with heavy armor Mongols. Victory was ours to take. All the Mongol army inside the barrack has been defeated.

    After clearing the barrack, Lady Masako and the other, except Yuna, hold the barrack area. Meanwhile, I meet Yuna at the bridge. In front of us was Castle Kaneda. The main gate was locked just like the gate of the barrack we saw before. So, Taka's masterpiece, the grapple hook, play a very important role to get us inside.

    I manage to get inside and open the front gate for Yuna to get in.

    I cut the story shot, we killed all the army inside the camp. It was bloody muddy battle. Yuna did a really great job assisting with her bow. Her archer's skill is unrivalled. I asked Yuna to hold the area while me proceed forward look to save Shimura.

    Surprise, surprise. When I approaching the castle, I am socked with the appearance of Ryuzo, my friend. At first, I thought he was there to give a surprise aid, but it was not. He was the main guard for the castle. He was working for the Mongol since he promised that his men will be feeds. I tried to persuade him to join me and told him that there was still time, and that Shimura will reward him handsomely, but after all the offers, he still refuse the offer angrily and wanted my life to ended there.

    The battle was inevitable between Jin and Ryuzo since Ryuzo want him dead so bad. It's was socking story, how a man that has been friend all this time, fight and thriving all the hardship together finally took Jin as an enemy and even more want him dead. All because of the unclear reward that offered by the Mongol.

    Heavenly Strike skill barely scratched Ryuzo. Although I have my resolve point upgraded as maximum as I can at this moment, it's still not enough to take him down. It seem like Ryuzo has mastered several samurai stance and keep switching it. He can become defensive when I am attacking, and offensive when I am not attacking. Parrying and blocking are very important aspect to remember against Ryuzo. It surprise how fast my vitality went down whenever I get hit by Ryuzo combo. And my vitality are much higher now compare to what I have when I fought Tengu Demon.

    About our battle arena, it was stunning! The fight scene was at dawn, but I can see the giant read leaf tree not far from the pond which was our battle area. I cannot leave the pond. I tried to take him to the bridge to take a better screenshots, but the system doesn't allow me. So the battle was held in the pond until Ryuzo defeated. I admit I lost more in this battle, much more until the system ask me surrender and abandon the quest haha. But I didn't give up and finally I am able to grasp his attack pattern and his weakness, that's lead me to victory without losing more vitality.

    After the battle, Jin still offer Ryuzo to come back to him, but Ryuzo refuse it. Ryuzo didn't die in this battle, the Mongol army come and Ryuzo take the opportunity to ran away.

    I killed more Mongol armies alone, from the pond until the front gate of the castle. The Castle Kaneda is huge. Can't wait to take a better screenshot when I had the chance. But at that moment, more Mongol rushed out from the front gate.

    This is Castle Kaneda, the place that I been waiting to explore, now I have the chance to take a close look to it. The battle to reach the front door was easier. My fight between Ryuzo has improve my reflexes drastically.

    I finally meet Jin's Uncle, Shimura. He was held for a long time. Khotun Kublai, the leader of the Mongol Army, by the way, was not inside the castle. Shimura said that Khotun brought his army out from the castle and might heading to north.

    We heard the Mongol were coming and then we rushed to north gate of the castle. Lady Masako, Sensei Ishikawa, and Yuna were already there, waiting for the Mongol reinforcement to get in. Shimura and I joined them. It was intense battle. I meet a new type of enemy in this battle, and it excites me more.

    Castle Kaneda and the New Horizon.

    After the mission completed, I finally had the chance to take more better shots of the Castle Keneda. Beside that, I took more shots of new places that I have just discovered after I unlocked Castle Kaneda. Toyotama, the region for Act II also unlocked, and all the places around Toyotama region are available for me to explore and have fun with. So I explore just tiny bit around the early area of the region and want to share it with you. I hope you enjoy it.

    View of the caslte from the pond, where I fought Ryuzo earlier.

    This is a view of the castle from the pond without Jin.

    Hmmm... what is this.. looks like a love story, but it's not, just me having fun with the camera angle. Yuna came to me after the mission completed. After helping rescue Jin's uncle, and most importantly save Jin's life, all she wanted is to be free with his brother and travel to the main land with the help of Shiruma's ship and influence. But that need to wait, Shiruma need more hand to take his main castle back from the Mongol, the Shimura Castle.

    Stunning view of the red leaf tree. This place is where I improve of reflex from fighting with Ryuzo.

    Taking screenshots with Yuna at the bridge just outside the Keneda Castle front gate.

    Casle Keneda closer look with Yuna. It has four or five floor. It's the highest and biggest building I came across so far.

    Inside Castle Kaneda, Shimura taking charge and planning strategy.

    View from the top of Castle Kaneda

    I can see the pond where I fought Ryuzo

    Another view from the top during sunset.

    At another angle from the top, all I see is blue ocean, blue sky. Stunning.

    Then, we went outside the north of of Castle Kaneda, and exploring nearest places.

    Himiko's Garden waterfall.

    A better view of Himiko's Garden waterfall.

    Another different angle of the waterfall.

    Spirit Grove Cemetery

    I reached Old Togo Rice Field. Took some pictures while I'm at the field.

    From different side of the rice filed, it seem everything is okay. But it actually abandoned rice field.

    Many housed were burned to the ground. The machinery also broken.

    Their watering system for the rice field, despite all the bad view this one remain it's beauty.

    Broken structures

    Some houses were still stand and liveable.

    I found frogs in this field. It is the first time I saw them in this game.

    Another part of the rice field.

    Then, I went to the beachside near the rice field. Taking sunset view.

    What a fortunate capture. Yellow song bird passed me, I quickly take a good shot of it.

    I also found Pillar of Honor at the beach near the Old Togo Rice Field.

    There were lots of dead woods, brought by the sea wave at the beachside.

    Another lucky shot of an eagle.

    What I share today are all new places that I just discovered through my current virtual adventures in the World of Tsushima. It seems that unlocking Toyotama region is pretty good idea, and it's been done on the right timing. New adventures unlocked and many awaits to be discovered.

    So, that's all for today. I tried my best to capture as many newly discovered places on Tsushima's world as I possibly could in hope to meet the virtual adventure theme for our weekly contest. Thank you so much for your support, until next adventure! Have a nice day, goodbye!

    Note : All photos were screenshots taken by me while playing Ghost of Tsushima game. My thumbnail picture was edited using PixeLab apps.
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