A Bad Time For A Collapse!!

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    Even as I’ve been talking incessantly about the sudden spike in heat waves that is hitting my country, things have only gotten worse. It’s just as if every single thing was waiting for the perfect time to happen, and the moment we slid into February, they got the signal to hit us with everything they’ve got, and boy, have we been hit.

    The heat, bad as it is, is only a fraction of what is going on. Yeah, it’s sweltering and borderline insane because at a point the heat would make you want to claw your skin off with your bare fingers. Sometimes, it would be so hot that the very air itself would be hot. Can you imagine standing outside and the breeze that blows over you is hot? That’s how bad it is. And even with all that, the heat is still not the only thing we’re suffering right now!


    Of all times for there to be a collapse, the national grid chose this period! Honestly, I don’t know what to call this, because it’s just too painful to consider it. If there was power, the heat would have been a bit more endurable because as long as we were indoors, we could turn on our fans and ACs and we would instantly feel better. But without power, being inside your own house feels like you’re being cooked in an oversized oven. You have free space to run around, but there’s no escaping the heat.

    And then, at night, we can’t afford to leave the windows and doors open. Not because of security, but because of mosquitoes and houseflies. Heat and mosquitoes are already terrible individually, but the combo will make you go insane. So, we lock everywhere up and keep cooking even as our beds get wet from our sweat.


    These days, as the price of fuel keeps on rising, fewer and fewer people are powering up their generators. Normally, a lot of people would have been sleeping with the generators running through the night, but not anymore. Now, it’s possible to go to a street and not even one household would have a generator on. So, we’re basically abandoned to deal with this heat menace on our own and the ways we would have dealt with it are not even viable anymore.

    Honestly, I don’t know the update on the national grid just yet. It chose a terrible time to collapse, although even when it was up and running, we only got power sporadically. So far, that’s all I want. For the power to return. Nothing can be done about the heat that only seems to get worse with each passing day, but something can be done about how I get to live with it. And I for one am tired of this sickening heat.


    Either cheaper fuel or a more constant power supply, but then it sounds like a pipe dream because our leaders have shown that they don’t care at all what we’re going through. They’ll always do what they want regardless of the price we the people have to pay. It’s sad, yeah. But it’s the reality we’ve come to accept.

    I really hope the national grid becomes functioning soon again because of this darkness and heat combo… I’m not doing it again!


    Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

    N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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