My cleaning planet activities day #07

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello everyone,

    how are you all doing today, it's great to be here with you again and I welcome you all to my blog with a great l
    pleasure and I hope you are all doing great as well in your various places.

    I wake up this morning, I was feeling Little bit weak, I couldn't prepare food for my children and even I can't take their bath too, so my little boy just ask me mummy are you okay, and yes am fine baby, but he keep disturbing me that why are you still on bed by this time,and I still answer him I said am fine.

    but to my surprise, the boy is just four years old he now said mummy stand up am hungry, but I later try to stand up and I go and prepare there meal and take there bath and I prepare to go to my work place.

    I walk a little far away from my house when I saw a dirty nylon around, there was a lot of dirty nylon around but I can't just walk part it, so I need to take my time to clean them off because I know nobody will clean it and I also do it as my part of my today's daily activities.

    it's always a big thanks to those who initiative this clean planet activities, which was good thing that people are starting to see how to show my daily cleaning activities here everyday.

    here is my today cleaning activities this is my today 24 of february, 2024 clean planet activities.

    A big thanks to


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