Leading a good lifestyle

in voilk •  5 months ago
    Being healthy can be seen as being wealthy because with health comes the strength and ability to make wealth and achieve our desired goals and imaginations.

    Though we fall sick quite often, one thing that has been underrated, especially within my country men, is good health and healthy leaving. Irrespective of the fact that our goals are extreme and may pose a risk to our health, we prefer to get that goals and treat ourselves afterwards.

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    We all want to live long in good health with our wife/husband, friends, children and grandchildren and if possible, parents.
    However, It is important to take good care of ourselves because this will aid us to live longer and see our grand children.

    Small things are what make us sick and ultimately met our creator untimely. Prophylaxis can be taken and good health restored but well, we are too busy chasing our dreams to give attention to our health needs.

    Over the years, I have seen people get sick, I took have gotten sick and have gotten better. I have observed how things work and the one tip I will give out to promote food health is Good lifestyle

    One thing that people overlook is their lifestyle.

    Lifestyle in its essence covers a broad range of minor concepts which includes:

    • Hygiene

    • Things that goes into the mouth

    • Social relationships

    It is important to maintain these three things as they are responsible for your medical and mental health.

    Good social relationships improves the mental health and keeps the mind sound and at peace.

    Good hygiene prevents bacterial, viral, fungal - microbial (in general) invasion, thereby keeping the medical and gynaecological health safe.

    The things that enters our mouth are the most important. We should avoid toxic substance because it kills painfully and slowly. Substances like smoking, drinking, drugs, eating foods that are not good, e.t.c. these things can cause ill health.


    The way they live, how they take care of themselves, what they allow into their mouth, their social relationships e.t.c have been underrated. People now think that drinking alcohol and smoking shisha is a way of enjoying their lives not knowing that they are indirectly destroying their lungs and kindness which will lead to Chronic obstruction of pulmonary disease (COPD) and Renal failure respectively.

    Not minding the things that goes into our mind can create a line of sickness which includes infections. We coul get food poisoning from these infections.

    Adequate hygiene on the other hand is very important. Cleanliness they said is next to Godliness. Keeping the body clean however will save from different skin disease. Oral care on the other hand will save us from many things. The most common is odour.

    Japan has a lot of elderly people and this is due to the kind of life they lead. Their foods are mainly natural and they always maintain a good social life with the elderly ones.

    Leading a good lifestyle is important to avoid sickness and maintain good health.

    Thank you for reading 😊

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