Testing Rebellion monster - Gobson Sniper

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello guys, this is my entry to the "Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!". If you want to participate and read more about the challenge, click here.

    The Rebellion edition is the latest edition of cards in splinterlands and there are a lot of new summoners and monsters which came out with this one. Each week I focus on different monsters and talk about them in detail with strategies that best fit them. This week, we have a Rare Earth unit, Gobson Sniper, a powerful ranged attacker that can snipe off units easily from the back of the lineup.

    Let's start by looking at its stats in detail.

    Gobson Sniper

    5 POINTS
    Snipe, Cripple

    Gobson Sniper is a Rare Earth unit that came out during the recent Rebellion edition. It is a mid mana cost unit costing just 5 mana to use but it comes with some impressive stats. It deals significant ranged attack damage and decent speed. Its 'Snipe' ability helps deal damage to the enemy unit with ranged, magic or no attack which are mostly hidden behind a heavy tank. So, this unit can snipe off those units. It also comes with the 'cripple' ability which lowers the max health of its attacked unit. Being a ranged attacker I would put it somewhere at the end of the lineup.

    Let me show you how it performs using a battle as an example.

    My Lineup

    This is my lineup for the battle

    Position 1
    Position 2
    Mycelic Slipspawn
    Position 3
    Regal Peryton
    Position 4
    Goblin Psychic
    Position 5
    Queen Mycelia
    Position 6
    Gobson Sniper

    It was a 43-mana cap battle with the "Target Practice" ruleset which gives all ranged and magic units the 'snipe' ability.

    All except Dragon elements were active during this battle. I went with Obsidian as my summoner which increases the magic attack damage of my units by 1.

    My tank in this battle was Grund, it is an impressive unit dealing 4 melee attack damage and having good health. It comes with a 'double strike' ability which, as the name suggests, can strike twice in the same round. This makes it quite lethal and all this at just 10 mana was not bad at all.

    Next in my lineup was Mycelic Slipspawn. It was a mage that had a lot of health and an interesting ability, taunt, which made all the units attack this unit first. Not only that, but it also had the 'forcefield' ability. So, it takes a lot of time to eliminate this unit.

    Regal Peryton was placed in the third position, which costs 5 mana and deals 2 magic attack damage with incredible speed. It's a 'flying' ability for him it dodges more attacks. So, it was a no-brainer for me to choose in this battle.

    The next one was Goblin Psychic, a healer that supports my tank as it comes with a 'tank heal' ability. It costs only 6 mana and deals 2 magic attack damage.

    Queen Mycelia was placed in the fifth position, it was yet another mage but with an interesting ability. The ability named, protect, gave all the friendly units +2 armour and this made the entire lineup sturdier, especially against melee and ranged attackers.

    Last but not least was Gobson Sniper. It was the only ranged attacker in my lineup. Costing just 5 mana and dealing a huge amount of range attack with good speed and decent health, it added a lot to the striking power of my lineup. It comes with some interesting abilities too. One of these abilities is 'Camouflage' by which this unit can't be directly targeted unless it comes at the first position so its relatively lower health was not a problem at all.

    Now that my lineup was set, it was time for battle.

    I will share my battle here, which I have uploaded to YouTube.

    My Strategy

    My strategy for this battle was not super complex, it was a simple one. I wanted to use a couple of beefy units at the front of the lineup that can take the beating and stay alive for much longer while the magic and ranged attackers from the back can just eliminate all the opponent's units.

    My focus was more on using magic attackers and that's why I used the Obsidian as my summoner which increased the magic attack. Not only that, the ruleset of 'Target Practice' was not that hindrance for me as I used the Grund to take care of their tank.

    Also, supporting the tanks with the heal was part of my strategy too and as you will see it worked well in the battle along with giving extra armour to all the friendly units.

    This strategy, as you will see, worked in my favour and gave me a comfortable win in the end.

    My opponent went with an interesting strategy as they used the Djinn Oshannus as their tank and used the 'martyr' ability of their second unit to increase the strength of their tank. But things didn't go well for them even after this effort!

    My team drew the first blood at the start of round 1 as their 'Venari Marskrat' was eliminated but it was part of their strategy and got reincarnated back to be dead again in the next couple of strikes. But it did its job of increasing the stats of the adjacent units.

    But more blood was spilled in round 1 and their River Hellondale got eliminated too which was a big blow to their lineup.

    Now, without any magic attackers except their tank, it looked quite bad for them. I still had almost all the units left and most of them with extra armour too which was very tough to eliminate quickly.

    They only managed to eliminate my Mycelic Slipspawn while all my units performed extremely well and made sure that they had no chance. In the end, it was an easy win for me.


    As you just saw in the above battle, Gobson Sniper plays a crucial role in your lineup, not only does it increase the attacking strength of your lineup by dealing heavy melee attack damage, but it also adds to the tactical strength and its 'snipe' ability is very handy and can help eliminate weaker units which are hiding behind stronger tanks in opponents lineup. Also, its 'cripple' and 'camouflage' abilities make it quite a useful unit and it lasts much longer in your lineup.

    Costing 5 mana is not such a high cost, especially keeping its stats and ability in mind. It works well in medium to high-range mana cap battles. I recommend it. Let me know if you find it useful as well.

    Thanks for reading...

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