Let’s Add Mondays To The Weekend Days.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    The topic in the Hive learners community made me remember when I started my youth service in Nigeria. Generally, everyone who is partaking in this program is supposed to have a day off work so we can go for our community development service. When I registered at my local government, I prayed to have my off days on Monday and luckily, I got what I wanted. My off days were on Monday so every Monday, I don’t go to work.

    Back to the topic in the Hive learners community which says we should state what moment in our lives that we feel we should have free days. Honestly, our opinion varies and I’ve read some contest articles which states that we should have holidays at the quarter of every month so we could refresh the brain and all of that but as for me, I feel we should have holidays every Monday. Has anyone ever noticed that there is always a kind of stress that is attached to Monday?


    Monday is the first working day of the week and it is always stressful starting from the moment you step out of the house. On Mondays, children will go back to school, workers will resume work, government officials will resume and everywhere will be so full. If everyone is outside, from the moment you step out of the house, you’d begin to face traffic. Unfortunately, some people can spend hours in the traffic and it even depends on the route they pass especially here in Lagos and when you get to your office, all the works that you have piled up since the previous week, you’d battle with them again, going back home, you’re very much stressed and the day is gone. Why are Mondays usually like that?

    I just feel there is a spirit of stress that is associated with Monday. At the same time, we work five days of the week and we only have two days to rest. I feel the body needs more rest especially for those people who are doing jobs that are very strenuous.

    So why can’t we just decide to add Mondays to the weekend. Even if Tuesday will be stressful, I don’t think it can still be as stressful as Mondays and we need more days off so it will be good to add Monday to the weekend and that’s just the extra day I’d be wanting to add to the off days. Even if we won’t be compensated with more off days during some global festivals and that’s all I want.

    Luckily, I now work for myself and I may decide not to go to my shop but I need money so I gotta go every Monday and I even go to work on Sundays, lol. Anyway, I wish Monday could be added to our holidays so the weekends will be increased to three days instead of two.
    I hope the world looks into this and maybe support my motion of adding Mondays to the weekend.


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