Evolution of Human Settlement.

in voilk •  2 months ago


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    Originally, Humans are gatherers and hunters. They move from one point of the earth to another. In search for food which is mostly fruits and nuts, they wandered about on the surface of earth. They are scared of dangers and armed themselves with crude tools for offensive and defensive mechanisms. They found sanctuary on caves, edifices of woods and clay. They often Source for protein from animal parts.

    As they increase in numbers and discover some grains like rice, millet, sorghum and corn. They tend to stay near where it's abundant mostly fertile soil watered by rivers and streams to cultivate them. Grains are very important because they can sustain drought and store for months. They tend to settle in those place, get their food from cultivation and rearing of animals. Such helmets found near rivers for the need of water and food began to grow. For example, Mesopotamia, an ancient city was found between two major rivers while garden of Eden was situated and surrounded by four rivers.

    As their population increases, majority of them still tied to the land for food and subsistence. Peace and security of those villages and their products become their primary goal so that demand for administrators and justice providers. Kings, soldiers and judges began to emerged. As the population increases, tools and technological advancement was needed. Artisans, engineer and health officials emerged from the people for their needed care and service.

    As the villages grew, due to many factors that keep pulling people towards the area. The village turned to town of people of heterogeneous descent that keep together for the development and sustainability. For example, Edo, a fishing village developed as major town known as Tokyo, Japanese Capital. Their level of infrastructural development and design improved. Advanced services are provided in such area as they keep attracting more people for their development.

    Towns grew in numbers as more people from different descent flocked the area for survival and good living. The pull factor becomes more tense and attract more people in the area. Such towns developed into cities. For example, because of Gold rush, several South African towns developed into cities like Johannesburg etc. Many people comes from different places for such services and goodness, settle and develop the towns into cities.

    As the population increases, the services increases. There's more divisions of labor and specialization of jobs especially white collar cabre. More people are attracted. Cities become Metropolis and more cities are developed towards each other and became megalopolis. For example, Lagos and Onitsha in Nigeria keeps urbanized several towns that surrounding them. Now, those satellite towns acts as part of the main city and have similar features too.


    Human settlement have evolved and improved due to more adaptive and technological advancements being developed over years. We are now more sophisticated and live in smarter cities that's well planned with amenities and features to manage some urban problems like proper waste and refuse management.

    Much development are still being considered by human to have more eco-friendly and sustainable growth. Soon everyone will be more happy than before.

    Thanks to the @leogrowth team for this monthly prompt for yesterday under this tag, #mayinleo

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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