Hello and Welcome back to my blog!

In my last post on Dredge, I went on to explore the Gale Cliffs in the south-eastern part of the map and encountered a monstrous fish. Also, I managed to install the Versatile Rod on my boat which enabled me to fish from Shallow, Coastal, Mangrove and Volcanic waters.
Another incredibly useful upgrade is to add more storage space to your cargo. It helps you catch more fish and lets you earn more per cycle. Also, it helps in situations where you are dredging a lot of things from the surface. There are shipwrecks everywhere in the shallow waters and it is frustrating to not fit them in your cargo or worse drop some of your fish just to put something there.
A new Hull would give me 9 more cargo space and that will be very useful. But I didn't have enough resources or money. It needed 3 Bolts of Cloth and 2 refined metals. These refined metal parts are sold by the merchants and the guy at the Iron rig. But that Iron rig is too far up north. I decided to head towards it but before that, I wanted more money. So, stopping at the Marrows to do more fishing and earn more money was decided.
I talked to the Painter there and installed the Pirate Flag that I found a couple of days ago. Is it looking good?
I was fishing just north of the Marrows and noticed a sparkle coming out from one of the cliff walls. The stone did not respond to my touch. I am guessing that I need a magical item here to see what's happening here. Maybe one of the quests will grant me a power?
This is what makes this game more special. It all feels like a strange mystery to me which we are slowly trying to solve.
I kept fishing and exploring for more easter eggs. I completely forgot about the time and it was night. I still had to make it back to the harbour but I was attacked by the monster fish again. The same that attacked me back near the Gale Cliff!
I thought this fish was just there and couldn't reach here. But it hit me twice and even damaged my Engine. The fish went away leaving me with a damaged engine but the boat can still move a bit. It was too damn slow. The journey back to the Marrows took a long time. There was no way I could repair it in the water.
There was a repair kit I had once, but it was just a one-time use and given to me as a reward. I don't know if someone sells it. But if they do, I may want to buy some and keep one with me before heading out.
Anyway, went back to the shore, got my engine repaired, sold my catch and kept fishing for a couple of days to collect more money before I went to the Iron rig to buy the refined metal.
I saw a huge whale swimming under my boat. Good thing it didn't come up to say hi to me lol.
I had some crab pots close to the Iron rig and inspected them. They were full of crabs but needed repairing to catch more. This could be a good strategy to get some passive income. But these need to be repaired every few days. That's the only thing not making me buy a ton of those.
I went to the undermarket to buy the refined metal. It cost $450, which I think is more than what I paid when I bought it from that merchant. But I built up some cash from my recent fishing session and bought it.
But it only sells one at a time and needs some time to restock it. I spent the next day fishing and dredging the crates from a sunken ship site.
That guy also sold research parts and I bought them as well. I used that part to research a better crab pot to catch more crabs. My plan was to just buy a few of them and put them close to here and forget about them. The next time when I come here I will take out the catch and repair them.
I caught a unique fish in the ocean. I don't fish a lot in the dark because of the recent unfortunate events at night. That's why I am missing out on a lot of fish, I guess. Look at this one, the Moonfish. The only known fully warm-blooded fish. I didn't know such a fish even existed in the world.
There are still a lot of fish to catch. So many locked entries in this encyclopedia.
Now that I have the refined metals, I just need to dredge out some bolts of cloth and then upgrade my Hull. It will be such a relief.

- All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
- Screenshots are from the game, Dredge.