Unleash Your Strategies in the Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! Featuring Fog of War!

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hello everyone! Are you ready for another "Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge"? 🌟✨
    Every week, Splinterlands is posting a battle challenge for everyone to showcase their cards, strategies and luck in battle. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newbie, there's something for everyone in this battle challenge. Join us on Splinterlands and become part of the legendary saga of the Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! ✨🔮

    For this week's challenge, we will showcase the 'Fog of War' ruleset, where all units lose the Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity abilities. Scattershot still works in this ruleset. Let's take a closer look at the card I used to win in this ruleset and how it contributed to my team's victory.

    Fog of War
    All units lose the Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity abilities.
    Scattershot still works in this ruleset.

    Battle Configuration

    For this battle, here are the specific rulesets and a mana cap to consider:

    Fog of War: Monsters lose the Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities.
    Weak Magic: Magic attacks hit Armor before reducing Health.
    Melee Mayhem: Melee attack Monsters can attack from any position.

    Mana Cap: 48
    Active Elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Life

    Strategy: Since monsters will lose the Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities, one my think to use Magic and/or Ranged attack monsters. However, Magic attacks will hit Armor before reducing Health due to Weak Magic ruleset. So the only option is to use Ranged Attack, yes? But, with the presence of Melee Mayhem ruleset, Melee attack Monsters can attack from any position. And it feels like these Melee attack monsters bypassed the Fog of War ruleset. With that said, my line is composed of Melee attack monsters in majority.

    Summoner: Kelya Frendul

    • This summoner gives +1 Armor and +1 Speed to allied monsters

    1st Position: Noah the Just
    -- This card has the ability to reduce the armor of the enemy by 2 and will also receive +3 melee damage due to Kulu Mastermind's Weapons Training ability.

    2nd Position: Kulu Mastermind
    -- This card has the Weapons Training ability that gives +3 melee attack to adjacent monsters with no attack power. This card is very helpful in increasing the overall attack power of my line up.

    3rd Position: Baakjira
    -- This card has the ability to reduce the speed of the enemy by 1 and will also receive +3 melee damage due to Kulu Mastermind's Weapons Training ability.

    4th Position: Coastal Sentry
    -- This card has the Double Strike ability which means it can inflict damage 2x in a single round.

    5th Position: River Hellodale
    -- This card has the resurrect ability and when triggered at the right moment, would be very beneficial to the team.

    6th Position: Disintegrator
    -- This card will apply debuff to enemy monsters with -1 Melee attack if ever the enemy decided to also use Melee attack monsters.


    Let's Rumble

    The enemy used Yodin Zaku and used melee attack and ranged attack monsters combination and grants Blast ability to all monsters. It also has Arkemis the Bear to provide +2 armor to allied units. Ranged Attack monsters will then receive +1 ranged attack to further increase the fire power of its line up.


    The enemy line up looks so fearsome, however, my line up easily defeated Tusk the Wide in the first round. My line up did not receive much damage in this round because some of the enemy attacks missed.


    At the end of round 2, Arkemis the Bear was also removed from the game while my line up still has all the monsters.


    And by the end of round 3, only Fire Demon remained on the enemy side.


    The fight concluded when Fire Demon was defeated in Round 4.
    For this fight, the enemy monsters were overwhelmed by my line up's attack power while having the enemy monsters attack missed.

    You can check the full battle replay here - Battle Replay from Splinterlands.



    That's it, and thanks for reading.
    Are you ready to take the first step into a world of Splinterlands? Join us on Hive and become part of the mystical legacy of the Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! ✨🔮
    If you are interested in playing Splinterlands, here is my game link - splintercell-01
    Visit @Splinterlands to view more amazing posts! And always keep on battling!!!
    *Images used are from Splinterlands.

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