My Actifit Report Card: March 2 2024

in voilk •  5 months ago

    I walk for health & enjoyment. As I get back to this activity, I would like to walk for a minimum of an hour each day & I'm shooting for 10,000 steps.

    On This Walk......

    Today’s walk was much different, I do have some music for you, but I also took a
    couple of pictures to share. I went to the grocery store to order a cake for my
    daughter & grandson’s birthday party. I have a daughter who was born on February 29th, so she only has an actual birthday every 4 years. So tomorrow, we’ll celebrate her along with her son, whose birthday is March 1st.
    So, today’s walk was a little eventful. I decided to walk around the parking lot of the shopping center where the grocery store stands to make up for some of my activity steps
    for today. I also listened to some relaxing music while fixing breakfast for me &
    my Husband.

    This is the shopping center, I thought I could share this to display an idea of the
    distance I walked.

    Also, have a look at breakfast for today! Steak & Eggs, I haven’t had this in a while
    & it turned out pretty good.

    Very Tasty!! That’s my Keurig & the coffee I had for my

    The Music That Moves Me

    Here’s some of the music I listen to as I walk each day. I will start with what's
    playing when I start, then what's playing about halfway through, & end with what
    brings me home.

    On March 1st .......... I left at 9:07am and started out with a song called 'Crazy In
    Love' by 'Beyonce' featuring ‘Jay-Z’.

    When I got to the parking lot of the market at 9:24, I was at 1250 activity steps &
    1350 when I reached the doors to the market. At 9:35, I was leaving the store and
    thinking about how I would get more steps in to reach my 5000 minimum steps,
    when I looked around & decided to walk the lot. I was headed for the exit when I
    decided & turned off to the empty side of the lot (see the picture). I walked over
    to the sidewalk by the stores, all the way down then around the lot.
    As I was leaving the lot & started my walk home, I was thinking about my
    breakfast and remembered I needed to get bell peppers for my steak & went back
    to the store. That was at 9:47 & 2496 steps.
    I exit the parking lot to head home at 9:52 & 2843 steps, this was a little more than my halfway, but as I left the lot, 'No
    One Does it Better' by 'Salt-N-Pepper' was playing.

    Finally I ended my walk with 4941 activity steps when I reached my front door at
    10:10am & even though I did more than walk, I still managed to complete my walk in just one hour & 3 minutes.

    The song that brought me home was 'Grenade' by 'Bruno Mars'.

    Thanks for reading!! & Hope you enjoy the music!!

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    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, Shopping, Walking

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