in voilk •  last month

    Hello ladies and gentlemen of these prestigious community here on hive it's another round table talks were we air our views and perspectives on the topical reviews...

    Here's a topic presented to us on a scale to weight the matter as it relate with us all, it's one that we must go back in time to our origin to find traces of words and deeds of our ancestors, their legacy, reputation and all of that is it worth relying upon? especially when it has to do issues relating to our present day dispensation.

    Bro Eli Soriano puts it clear in his words of wisdom and teachings God's word,

    ***Says it's not that want they did or say are fauls or lies but they might not hold water when examine in present day light, so going to anchor on what they did in their time and what is ought to be done in present day dispensation, it doesn't balance on a scale.

    Talking about Ancestors.... I'd love to relate one word from my grandma which I hold so dearly, she's very much Alive and sound, I treasure this word and I see the light in what she says, cause it's the truth, every time I'm around her we get to talk a lot about church and most importantly About tithing, a lot of doctrines coming up now in Africa says Tithing and offerings are not compulsory or necessary, but God's words says if you do this I'll open up the store house of heaven... My Grandma always insist that i pay tithe ways and I should not miss going to church .

    If I can shift a little bit from the biblical context and down to our country state, regions, villages etc..... They're certain precept and conduct that were laid down from our ancestors way back in time and we must keep and practice them if we re to see certain results, so it applies to our biblical standard.

    Drawing insight from the scriptures in Hebrews were Jesus took with him few of his very close disciples up to the mountains, say these guy were rather fascinated to see Elijah and Moses talking with Jesus, the question what were they discussing with Jesus, and so they wanted to build a tent for the three of them so as to keep them and dwell with them, I can only draw on strong point from all of these and that is...believing in them for REFERENCE PURPOSE.

    TO me Believing in our ancestors doesn't mean it's bad but I see it as a template upon which we can build our lives upon, with whatever we deem fit but according to plan or precept, since they were before us, they've understood better, know better, it's like a father and son .trying to strike a balance between what should be done and what shouldn't, sin believing he knows what he's doing, but father says, I was young and naive once but through experience I know better, I thought same thing too but it all went down to failure.

    I won't totally ruled it out but using the deeds and words of our ancestors as a guidelines and tools as reference point to our destination while deciding on the vehicle to use to get there.


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