Graphite drawing inspired by the Wrackoo creature | Fanart

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello friends of Hive ♥️ welcome to my blog to show you a new art project that I have made inspired by some of the characters of the Holozing community. This time it was the turn of the creature Wrackoo, the forest raccoon made in graphite, some colored pencils and acrylic paint for the background, a different design but I think it still retains the essence of the original. With much affection for you, I hope you like it!


    • Sketchbook
    • Drawing guide
    • Graphite pencil HB 2HB
    • Colored pencils and markers
    • Cold paints
    • Paintbrushes

    The first thing to do is to sketch our design, I decided to recreate the alpha creature of the forest, the wrackoo raccoon. As it will be a graphite drawing I just leave it on my pad and then move on to the next step.

    Once I have the sketch, the guide lines, I start to mark with the pencil all the lines including the details. When I have the base drawing I can start to color it, starting with soft strokes and then I intensify to give the contrast of light and shadows, especially in the transition of green color in her face. So I continue drawing until I use the markers, with them I created more shadow contrast in the raccoon's suit, in the head area, arms and half of the body, playing with two shades of green is fine.

    As I mentioned at the beginning, for this drawing I wanted to add something different and contrasting, so first I made some lines with brown paint on the sides to simulate trunks, and then with green acrylic paint I made the leaves, all this to recreate that forest atmosphere that characterizes its element.

    And here you have some pictures of the finished project...a very nice and original design of the alpha creature of the forest, the Wrackoo raccoon...I hope you liked my tutorial showing you the whole creative process so if you want you can make your own and add one more to the collection, I say goodbye and see you next time!💕.

    • All content is my own and images are my property

    • Camera: Redmi note 10s

    • I use an LED light ring as a base for my phone to take pictures of myself

    Editing and Separator
    App PicMonkey - App Picsart - App Canva


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