Musical Reflections, Musical News, Buying new cards, Progress, Rising Star.

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

    But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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    Today I want to share with you a piece of news that leads us to explore the unique fusion between poetry and rock, personified in the figure of the Spanish singer: Loquillo. I tell you that this singer With a career spanning more than three decades, José María Sanz Beltrán, known as Loquillo, has surprised me and many followers of his work once again with the announcement of his latest album, "Transgresiones - Antología poética 1994-2024".

    It is important to emphasize that this double album not only marks a very positive moment in Loquillo's career, but also shows his dedication to contemporary poetry. May I remind you that since his first project in 1994, Loquillo has been exploring and testing the depths of poetry through rock music.

    But I think that in this last work is noticeable a big difference in overcoming the previous albums. In my opinion it is very original and well done. That's not to say that their previous works are bad, they are absolutely very good too. It's just that I feel that this one is more pro.

    "Transgresiones" could be said to be a compilation of songs that takes us on a journey through thirty years of creativity. I find that very original, because as I have said in other posts, not all singers or bands have the ability to transport you to other times. Another thing that makes it special is that it has adaptations of authors such as Bernardo Atxaga, Julio Martínez Mesanza, Mario Benedetti and many more.

    Over the years, Loquillo has covered numerous poems, but in this album, he has chosen thirty songs that encapsulate the essence of his career. From "La vida que yo veo" to "Milonga de dos hermanos". Also included within the album is a book containing the original poems, as well as detailed credits and photos that capture the essence of the creative process. It is a deluxe edition.

    But that's not all. With their upcoming tour, which includes stops at theaters and auditoriums throughout Spain, those who can attend will have the opportunity to experience "Transgresiones" live.

    Well dear friends of Rising Star, this is the musical news I wanted to tell you today. The time has come to show you my latest news in the game. Without further ado, let's continue.

    Buying new cards in Rising Star.



    Friends, it's time for my favorite section of the day, I mean this one where I'm going to tell you about my most recent purchases in our beloved Rising Star Game. I tell you that today I have bought a total of 3 new cards. Including 1 rare and 2 common cards. My goal with them is to grow my fans to reach the goal of 5k fans of my own. Which by the way I am already very close. Well without further ado I will tell you all the details.


    The first card I bought today is called: R450 Touring Coach. This card belongs to the category of rare cards. I bought it because I want to increase my fans and as I saw that it brings a lot of fans I saw it as an excellent choice. This card gives me 500 extra fans not bad. But that's not all, it also gives me 3 luck and 3 IM.


    The price of the card is quite affordable as it only cost me 32707 starbits something that given the current value of starbits is very easy to acquire in the market. And the truth is that it suits me very well. With those 500 fans I can get a little more starbits in each mission and keep improving my stats.

    The phrase on the card is: "The lilac gas guzzler."


    Now let's move on to the next card, this one is called: 66 Stewie. I bought this card with the sole purpose of collecting it. The truth is that I liked the green guitar of the guitarist haha😅. You must already know if you have read some of my previous posts that I love collecting nft and cards. And I liked this one. In total it brings me 2 things, first 5 fans and then 10 skill.


    The price of the card is very cheap considering its few features as I bought it for only 1035 starbits. Not bad at all. The personalized phrase of this card is: "He's got the moves (shame he can't move his fingers to the correct chords)" haha, a little funny this phrase.


    Finally I show you the last card I bought today, this one is called: 65 Firefly. Like the previous one, I bought this one to collect it. It gives me the same characteristics as the previous one, 5 fans and 10 skill. It cost me in the game market 1325 starbits, quite cheap. Between the 3 cards add 510 fans, 20 skill, 3 luck and 3 IM. Not bad really. I feel very happy with these cards.

    The phrase of this card is: "Really handy if you are low on cash as they come with their own light!"


    My most recent progress on Rising Star.

    Well my dear friends we have reached the final section of the post. As every day I leave you a brief summary of my progress with respect to the previous day so that you can follow my progress. Well, without further ado, let me show you.
    My current number of fans is now: 4915. These are my own, there are no drunks included. On the other hand my luck is: 1521. MY skill is still the highest value with 9777, and my IM is: 31.
    My total card collection is now 209. And finally my current level is: 38 with 1278 XP out of 1900. I'm almost passing for 39.


    Well my friends this is my publication of today, I hope you found it interesting and especially to your liking. See you soon.

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