[Eng-Esp] Decisiones

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Conservatorio de Música. Conservatory of Music.

    Esta mañana surgió una cita con el director del núcleo Coro del sistema, no estaba en los planes pero era obligatorio la asistencia.

    Al llegar me expresa que como Luz audicionará al coro necesita elegir si quedarse allí o solo en la orquesta ya que ambos por razones de horario no lo puede hacer.

    El coro es un contrato que se firma y se compromete a ensayos de tres horas diarias. Por esa razón reciben beca.

    De la misma manera si se queda en el coro debe regresar el violín. Solo nos dieron hasta mañana para dar respuesta.

    Desde que lo platiqué con mi hija lo que hace es llorar ya que no quisiera renunciar a ninguno.

    Yo la apoyo en su decisión y espero que mañana tenga su respuesta. Mi consejo que elija lo que la hace más feliz de todas maneras pensando en alguna alternativa para que pueda seguir con amabas pasiones.

    La vida es así un camino de constantes decisiones que terminen dictaminado tu futuro. Deseo que su futuro sea bonito.

    *English Version"

    Q This morning an appointment arose with the director of the system's Choir core, it was not in the plans but attendance was mandatory.

    Q Upon arrival, she tells me that since Luz is auditioning for the choir, she needs to choose whether to stay there or alone in the orchestra since she cannot do both due to schedule reasons.

    The choir is a contract that is signed and commits to rehearsals for three hours a day. For that reason they receive a scholarship.

    The choir is a contract that is signed and commits to rehearsals for three hours a day. For that reason they receive a scholarship

    Q Since I talked about it with my daughter, what she does is cry because she wouldn't want to give up any of them.

    Q I support her in her decision and I hope that tomorrow she will have her answer. My advice is to choose what makes you happiest anyway, thinking of some alternative so that she can continue with your passion.

    Life is thus a path of constant decisions that end up dictating your future. I wish your future to be beautiful.

    English Version
    Pictures ZTE Blade V50 Design

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