Morning Run: Ramping up

in voilk •  5 months ago

    steevc just finished a 7.04km run, that lasted for 43 minutes.
    This run helped steevc burn 504.0 calories.

    Description from Strava:
    This was my first run since the 10k in London. My legs were really not too bad, but I was in the office for a couple of days and that involves plenty of walking.

    Today was looking a bit damp, but it was not raining as I went out. I had to feed the chickens before I set off. I did my usual loop around Fairfield. It was a bit of a plod on the way up, but I was not looking to push too hard.

    The wildlife was active today. I saw grey and black squirrels. With my bone conduction headphones I could still hear the birds singing and there was the knocking sound of a woodpecker. Podcasts included Late Night Linux and The Rest is Politics.

    Was I headed down the hill I tried to speed up a bit. I was able to sustain that all the way home, so the last three kilometres were significantly quicker than the first part. I would like to get my average pace up a little and need to push myself to get there.

    The rain held off, but my glasses got wet from the moisture in the air. It is looking to stay grey all day, but our solar panels are still producing. There is plenty of power to run my computers whilst charging the battery for when the sun goes down. I will do a detailed post on our system on Hive soon. If you are reading this on Strava and want a Hive account then let me know.

    Enjoy your day and run free.

    If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

    About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.


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