Tablerock Lodge - My base in Grounded

in voilk •  16 days ago

    I'm not exactly someone who does a whole lot of survival games. They usually don't keep my attention for very long. Grounded has been the exception to the rule. I'm having a blast with this game, and part of that is due to the crafting and base building. There's a lot to work with, and I'm having tons of fun doing so!

    After I had set up a couple of bases around the lower yard, I needed a place that would be good for higher level adventuring. Somewhere easily defensible, with plenty of good resources around. Someone had recommended under the picnic table, as it has a lot available for players and it's in close proximity to two good farming spots for endgame materials. So that's what I did!


    This is Tablerock Lodge. It's a split level structure made primarily from weed stems, of which there are plenty to the south. I built a stem pallet and loaded it up repeatedly to build this. The whole structure sits on top of a pebblet foundation, that I had to build in two levels due to the uneven shape of this rock.


    Ground bugs cannot reach this base due to the height of the rock. To climb up, I have to jump on the right side of this rock and then I can walk up to the stairs. Paybacks from ground based bugs are stupid easy as a result!


    Inside, I have everything I need. There's an oven for making bricks and elemental upgrade parts, a cookery for food, a spit for roasting aphids and weevils, and trophies for damage buffs.


    Up the stairs a smidge, is the main living area. Most of the crafting tools are here. The staircase leads down to the cooking and entrance, and up to...


    ...The top floor! I have my bed up here, Item storage, more crafting tables, and a dew collector outside on the balcony. It's my little home away from home, and it took me about a day to build due to the resources needed. I had to haul them in from all over the map!

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