#saturdaysaversclub | Year 4 Week 12 | SPI Raffle or SUB token? So many great choices!

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Westgate Bay.jpg

    Westgate Bay, Kent, 22 March 2024, about 18:21 (sunset was 18:14). The changing colours in the cloud formations over the half an hour around sunset were amazing. I also discovered Finbar's restaurant overlooking the bay and I will be eating there soon.

    The walk around Westgate Bay happened by chance as I accidentally locked myself out of the office yesterday, with nothing, not even my phone. As a consequence, I ended making a trip to Margate to drop off a key. On the way home, I thought why not enjoy the sunset. I passed a couple on one of the many benches lining the promenade, doing the same, complete with fish and chips out of the paper, a flask of tea and a warm blanket. Perfect. I shall try it myself soon.

    Weekly savings round-up

    SPI Raffle or SUB token?
    I've bought ten tickets in the SPI Raffle using my little odds and ends funds of small bits of cashback, loose change in my bank account and a tiny bit of income I get every month from somewhere or other.

    I was able to buy 49 HIVE this month with the odds and ends fund. I'm wondering, should I buy more SPI raffle tickets or should I put a few pennies into SUB? I could buy 29 SUB 😁.
    SPI Raffle
    Own musical rights with SUB

    The Joys or otherwise of CUB
    I'm not quite sure what's happening to CUB, but it seems like it is being withdrawn and holders can trade it in for LEO. That's cool - tokens often have a life-cycle and it becomes time to call it a day. Sometimes the business model behind them was an experiment.

    The announcement post explaining the process for exchanging CUB for LEO has disclaimers about the challenge of doing this. This post talks about the trials of one person who has tried to do it.

    CUB always struck me as kind of messy - were they something to do with liquidity pools? I can't remember now but their release created a mental version of TL:DR for me. I was airdropped some, which was very nice, thank you, but quickly swapped them for something else: CubLife (CL) operated under the umbrella of SPinvest.

    CubLife was set up as an income token for LEO and for a time it did produce a very nice weekly LEO income. Then income started dribbling to a halt, and CL was wound up with with everyone offered the opportunity to trade in their CL tokens for LEO. I guess the winding up of CUB itself is the natural conclusion.

    It's good to see experiments on the chain - some will work, some won't or some will work for a bit and then they've done their job and it's time to try something else. Part of me feels, though, that CUB was complicated to start with and also related to the last bullrun? Whatever was the new and shiny thing then.

    It is really hard to tell what is going to sustain, but generally speaking I'm looking for a simple model that I can get my head around without synapses imploding. Even with a very simple model like EDS, we're seeing how complexities and sophistications evolve over time, and patterns appear that we didn't expect or imagine:

    We minted and issued over 100 EDS this week from @eds-vote, another great result in my books. To date, @eds-vote has helped to mint 3726.13 EDS in total to generous HP delegators.

    Hmmm, just looking at that number (3726) and it's equal to 7% of total EDS in circulation (53,300). Thats very interesting because @eds-vote is coming up to being 1 year old while EDS itself is around 4 years old and there was a 20k public sale equal to 37.5%. I would not have guessed that 7% of circulating EDS were minted from @eds-vote with it being under a year old. Source

    Savings Goals

    Let's see how we're doing:

    AssetGoalStartLast WeekTodayProgress
    Hive Power115,000100,400103,542103,76190%

    2024 Savings Goals

    Nothing exciting this week - nothing has moved even one percentage point!


    • EDSD - I'm aiming to hold 1,330 0f these as short-term savings to build my EDS and passive HIVE income. I bought 1,095 to start and then I buy 5 each week, using the recurring payments option on PeakD (up to 1,150 this week). (More about side-hustles).

    EDS Income Token | Fixed and Variable Savings Plans
    EDS Dollar (EDSD) Release Post

    • Blogging - I feel quite motivated after getting the LeoAds payout 😂. Haha, yes, I'm sure it will come back when work has settled down. Well, again inspired by @gillianpearce and #the100dayproject, I have got a bit more organised this week. Let's see if it produces any more posts: it hasn't 😂. Soon.

    • Saturday Savers Club - 2024 Launch and FAQs. A new Saver joined us this week, referred by another Saver (word of mouth is the best way), so we're at 49 Savers already before the end of March. Very happy with that Anyone can join at any time by commenting with their goals on the weekly post on the @eddie-earner account (also follow @eddie-earner for news about EDS). We have also started our first subscription savings plan, so very happy with that.

    • HSBI - HIVE basic income - I'm growing these through sponsoring HPUD and other challenge posts over on Saturday Savers Club. A good turn out for HPUD this month, plus we have more sponsors for the Savers of the Week posts.


    What's New

    After three weeks the new contract is going well.

    I've got most of the bookings for one centre onto a digital system so anyone (with permissions) can qquickly scane what's going on. Some of the detail is a bit sparse - one booking is just a three-letter name and the times, no other information! I'll be working with the Treasurer to create the CRM database (speadsheet).

    I visited the second centre on Friday with the volunteer that has been managing it and learned all the wrinkles (tables have to be stacked a certain way or they fall off the trolley; the light switch for the corner spots is hidden in the cupboard where the chairs are kept etc etc.

    There is a pile of debris in both places, things that were once useful but are now no longer needed, and storage has grown incrementally rather than in any organised way. I was itching to have a yard sale, but I have to bide my time and bring everyone with me.

    It was agreed at last week's check-in meeting that yes, please, they would like me to do a business plan that incorporates both buildings. So I shall be working on that through the summer and that will be interesting.

    I also experimented with making my first A5 booklet - actually didn't take too long. I was defeated by the clip art, though, and had to call it a day! Even without any images, it looked nice, and I was pleased with it. Now I've got the basic principles, we can produce information booklets for a range of things.

    Meanwhile, we have had some beautiful days this week - warm, dry, sunny - which has been great!

    Have a good week, everyone!


    Screenshot (379).png



    Page dividers courtesy of @barge | Saturday Savers banner by @raj808

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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