How to cook Desi Chicken Jhal

in voilk •  5 months ago

    To cook Desi Chicken Jhal, follow these way



    1 kg funk, cut into pieces
    onions, finely sliced
    tomatoes, diced

    • 4 green chilies, diced
      soupspoons gusto- garlic paste
      mug yogurt
      1 tablespoon turmeric greasepaint
      2 ladles red chili greasepaint
      1 tablespoon cumin greasepaint
      1 tablespoon coriander greasepaint
      1 tablespoon garam masala
      swab to taste
      cuisine oil painting
      Fresh coriander leaves for garnish





    Marinate the funk pieces with yogurt, half of the gusto- garlic paste, turmeric greasepaint, red chili greasepaint, and swab. Let it sit for at least 30 twinkles.

    Heat oil painting in a visage. Add sliced onions and sauté until golden brown.

    Add the remaining gusto- garlic paste and green chilies. Cook until the raw aroma disappears.

    Toss in the diced tomatoes and cook until they turn mushy.

    Add cumin greasepaint, coriander greasepaint, and garam masala. Stir well to combine the spices.




    Place the marinated funk into the visage and cook until it changes color.

    Pour in a mug of water, cover the visage, and let it poach until the funk is tender.

    Acclimate the seasoning according to taste and cook uncovered until the asked thickness is reached.

    Garnish with fresh coriander leaves and serve hot with rice or flatbreads.

    Enjoy your manual Desi Chicken Jhal!

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