A playground is essential for a healthy community

in voilk •  2 months ago

    And we are building a new one even at this age, after much battle


    We had a nice field at my native, but unfortunately, the infrastructure development in the area, took it away, building a new 100ft road that is going to connect to the highway. We were continuously trying to find out a new place, and finally, the company that is doing the road work agreed to help us build our new playground after our local MLA intervened. There were lot of plants, that had to be cut, but then we have also planned to replant and make the area green, once the field is ready. You may get a glimpse of our old field in this post, which is now occupied to put up the building blocks for the road.


    Even they did not spare the nets area, where kids used to practice cricket.


    The work is in full swing and this will be ready by next year.


    They occupied this area to put up their structure, using which, they could build the blocks.


    We still have not given up and manged to play football in that area available, though , cricket is completely stopped. We have requested to evacuate the left side at least to give more space to us.


    Our all time audience, a pet dog of one of our friend, waits for the entire time, till we finish playing.


    And now let me show you the new field, that is being built.




    It's a quite big patch, and most of our team were present here for almost a month in this scorching summer, to guide their machine operators. Many part of this field was blocked by villagers, as this is a government land. Unfortunately, that's a typical trend here, as the government does give them land ownership for this nasty politics. So when they saw our big crew (all local from the village), they silently agreed to free up the space for the field. Otherwise, this would have been a very difficult situation. We all also contributed and arranged some finance to have men power deployed to assist the machines, to clean up. There has been assistance from the OCA, as we have one senior veteran player working in a senior position and he along with the local MLA have assured us to make this grow to a mini stadium in future.


    Panoramic view of the field from the other end, so that you can feel how big this is. Doesn't it look scenic ?



    As there are so many plants, this area remains cooler for us to relax. You will barely get this feeling in a citi life - the entire area feels like air-conditioned, the free oxygen with aroma from Neem trees are a unique blend.


    One round of leveling has been done, but still a lot of work remains. It needs one round of ploughing to remove the big roots that's under the ground. The level needs to be increased to at least a feet, and that would take approximately 250 truck loads of soil. The contractor has agreed to fill soil whenever their truck digs and gets them. We have also got a funding of ₹400000, from the MLA fund, to build a room. And once they vaccate the place, where they are building blocks, that will make the other half, giving us a much bigger space.

    So a lot of work pending, but hopefully our veteran cricket match will be possible on this ground in the Winter. And we are happy to have this big field, which we will develop into a much soothing place, where other people and senior citizens can come and enjoy a walk. There was a time, when we were dying for sports, even being scolded by our parents, and even though, we did not have money. We have got older, but probably that enthusiasm will remain forever with us and we now have capability as well as responsibility to contribute to the society, to encourage young generation for sports.

    I personally feel, anyone who is associated with some kind of sports will have a good character, as their focus does not divert for wrongdoings. Do you agree and have felt this ?


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