My computer is broken, so... some pretty coins to look at!

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Well, I had a great post planned that I had drafted a few days ago in my notebook with my fountain pen and had typed up yesterday, but now.... I have lost access to most of the file system of my computer, so time for plan B.

    I can use any app that doesn't directly access the file system. So web browsers are file—unless I do a "file open" and then they crash. Luckily the browser itself seems stable, so I can type this in to peakd directly. Also luckily, although saving a photo and going into the file picked to upload it is crashing the browser, taking a screenshot and dragging that into peakd seems to be working. Sweet!

    I think I've narrowed down what is causing my problem. It seems to be corrupted files somewhere that are screwing up everything. I think iCloud is also acting a little wonky and that is adding to the issue. I'll get it figured out here eventually, but it may take a while.

    So for the moment here I am. As Dean said, ain't that a kick in the head. Oh well, that's life. So let's pivot and make this into a coin post. I saw three really nice ones lately that some of you may want to pick up.

    Correction: Two really nice ones and one, uhm.... interesting one.

    This is a silicon haven AI—whatever that is. The description says it is the second in the AI series, a series created entirely by AI. Interesting. It's kind of a cool design anyway, which is why I clicked on it. You can pick it up here.

    The next is this crazy Van Gogh coin

    That may look like a mess, but if you hold it away, it looks more like this

    That's pretty neat! If you think so too, get it here. Only $30 bucks—cheap!

    And finally, what may be the ugliest dragon coin I've seen so far for 2024

    The design isn't too bad, but those color choices are terrible. They are charging a premium for those terrible colors, but if you want all the dragon coins, here you go.

    Enjoy! And now... I'm off to pull out my hair trying to figure out how to fix this computer.

    Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku. He blogs here and at Write him on Twitter or Mastodon.
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