An earned gift

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Sam's heart was beating fast against his chest. He was sitting down quietly while tapping his feet rapidly curiously watching the teacher as she shared the exam result papers with the students who sat in front of him. Finally, the teacher got to him and dropped his paper on his desk.
    Sam said an inaudible prayer before he picked up the paper. He almost jumped out of his seat to celebrate his result. He had had problems with maths in the past sessions and this time put all his effort in for the exams. The feeling he felt was so refreshing that he just sat there smiling uncontrollably at his result.
    His friend Manuel who was behind him tapped him out of his gaze, "Sam what did you get?"
    "I got an A," Sam said as he turned in his chair to face his friend, " what about you, what did you get?"
    "I got an A too," Manuel said as he showed Sam his result paper with joy.

    After school, Sam was about to go home when Manuel ran up to him with a box of chocolate in his hand.
    "Here I got this for you," Manuel said as he handed the box to Sam.
    "Woah, what is this for?" Sam said with a mix of surprise and confusion.
    "If not for you who always urged me to go to the library to read with you, I would not have been able to get an A in maths,"
    "Well you are my friend and I just wanted to help," Sam replied
    "My mom usually gets me this so I decided to show you some appreciation," Manuel said as he looked back to his mom who was waiting for him beside her car,
    "Okay then you are welcome and thanks for the chocolate, see you tomorrow in school," Sam replied
    "Bye, see you too," Manuel said as he waved Sam while running back to his mom's car.

    Sam's school was a 5-minute walk from his home. Sam got home and immediately took off his uniform and had his bath. After having his bath he went straight to the fridge that was positioned in their little parlor and took out the food his brother left for him.
    Sam lived alone with his senior brother Willy. Willy wasn't Sam's blood brother, but he loved him like one. They both lost their parents at a very young age and were abandoned on the street.
    Willy was 5 years older than Sam and took him in as his younger brother, he started taking care of Sam right after they had no shelter. Willy worked multiple jobs, he was hardworking and was very good at saving. When he had saved enough he rented a room and bathroom for shelter. People in Willy's workplace liked him and usually gave him things which is how he got most things like the fridge, stove, and some other things.

    By evening Willy came back from work and bought some food for dinner. While they were eating the noodles Willy remembered that Sam told him he was going to get his results that day.
    "Yeah, I just remembered. So how was your result," Willy asked Sam with a mouthful of noodles.
    Sam hesitated a little finishing the noodles in his mouth before he answered, "It was all right, I got a C," Sam lied because Willy had promised to get him new shoes if he could get an A, and knowing how Willy worked so many hours and still always kept his promises, he didn't want him spending his hard earned money on new shoes.
    When Willy noticed the hint of sadness on Sam's face he cheered him up saying to him, "Don't worry next time you will get it and I will get you the Nike sneakers I promised to get you,"
    "yes next time I will try my best," Sam said as he put a smile back on.

    The next day at school Sam carried on his usual daily school activities. Sam's friend Manuel told him how his dad promised to take him shopping to score on the exam.
    After school, Sam went home and was surprised to see his brother was at home.
    "Good afternoon, you are at home today," Sam said to Willy who was sitting on the chair in the parlor.
    "Yes, I just said I should take a break from work today, go and have a shower, and then join me to eat,"
    "Okay," Sam said as he rushed in to have his bath since he was very hungry.
    Sam finished taking his bath and rushed out to have some food. He was surprised when he reached the parlor and there was a pair of boxed Nike sneakers on the table.
    "Oh my God, you got the sneakers. But how?" He said with happiness and confusion since he told his brother he got a C.
    Willy smiled at him, "This morning while I was getting your things ready for school I saw your result paper,"
    Sam had a face of shame for being caught after lying to his brother, "I am sorry, I just didn't want you to worry about getting me the shoes that is why I lied about my grade," he said as he looked down,
    "I understand, but you should understand that I promised you because I wanted to. And I fulfilled my promise because you earned it, you only live once so you should enjoy the rewards of your hard work,"
    "thank you," Sam said as he hugged Willy.
    "Alright let's eat now I am starving," Willy said as they both went on to eat.
    The next day Sam rocked his brand-new sneakers to school with utmost joy and pride.

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