Harder Than It Looks

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Ah, learning. The process of bombarding the human brain and mind with new and sometimes difficult stuffs. Or maybe I took this definition too personal, lol. But why does it always seem like learning must have to make me suffer through endless hours of boredom and confusion, just to acquire one small knowledge.

    Anyone that ever says the process of learning is easy or exciting, that person deserves to be arrested and punished for misleading innocent people into mental trauma. As far as am concerned, learning is a painful experience, and I am still struggling with it.

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    I am one of those people that are scared of learning. I can't tell if it's because of the way I was raised, or whether it's normal for everyone. The schools I attended from childhood made learning seem like a "do or die" affair.

    Back then, your classmates would beat the hell out of you because you couldn't read or pronounce a word correctly. My parents didn't help matters, because when I would get back home, I would still be taught how to read with a cane.

    I always hear people saying "learning is the key to success," and that "learning never ends." It is very true, learning is what makes us who we are, and learning would never stop, even after we are out of this world. Legend has it that as humans, we learn new things every single day, no matter how small the impact is.

    We've all heard the stories of overnight successes, and they are people who seem to effortlessly master new skills in record time. But the truth is, most of us mere mortals have to put in the time and effort to truly excel at something.

    For me, learning is a gradual process that requires dedication, persistence, and a healthy dose of patience. However, they are some special cases where I learned somethings faster and easier than I expected.

    I Easily Learned How To Draw

    It is still a mystery to me how I was able to effortlessly learn how to draw objects and Images using a pencil and a sheet of plane paper. It was as if I never even learned it, because the timing was quick.

    Back in secondary school, I remembered having a friend who could draw something exactly as it is. This young man was so talented that I admired his brilliance so much. I was always found following him, because I knew he was special.

    But just like that, I began to do some of the brilliant thinga he does. One of the most amazing things I learned from him was how to draw anything at all. I learned how to draw like Jude (my friend) by just observation and a little practice.

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    It was not up to 6 months with Jude, but I saw myself drawing exactly as he drew. He was very amazed as to how I managed to draw somethings that took him hours to draw. This experience made me to have a different view of how learning works.

    Programming Was Difficult For Me To Learn

    Before I entered the university to study computer science, I taught it was all about "what is a computer?" and "what are the hardware components of a computer made up of". But I entered to discover that Computer science was more of Programming and what the computer could design, rather than how the computer was designed.

    I went in to discover that programming is the ability to write instructions for the computer to create your imagination. But the problem is that the computer has its own language (which isn't English).

    So basically, to learn programming, I have to learn the language of the computer which is one of the hardest things I have ever done. My major challenge with this was that the computer doesn't have one language, and you must have to remember the diverse languages to adequately operate it.

    I spent about 5 year studying programming, and those were one of the most difficult years of my life. I learned programming to a very large extent, and by the grace of God, I could do alot now with it. I am now conversant with some of the languages, and am doing things I love with it.

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    Basically, the whole process of learning has taught me alot about my abilities and my fears. I have discovered that my brain doesn't easily adapt to new processes, and that is what is making me scared of learning.

    So I have realized that if I want to trick my brain into loving the process of learning, then I must make learning a habit, rather than a once-in-a-while routine.

    I had not viewed leaning from this angle. Hence the reason my brain was afraid of learning. But now, I have realized that setting out quality time regularly to learn something would make me love it and know it even more.

    Thanks for your time here.

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