More Plants - May 18, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Grass needs mowing crop May 2024.jpg

    On Saturday morning, the forecast had changed, no rain until 10AM. But as I walked out the door to go to the Farmers Market with my brother at 9AM, I brought my umbrella, you know, the one where it never rains when I have it.

    I noticed the grass REALLY needed mowed in the yard and I had planned to do it on Saturday. I asked if we could stop at a little nursery in town to pick up my annuals that I always get there, so we headed to the nursery first.

    Impatiens and begonia plants crop May 2024.jpg

    I got a couple of begonias, top, a verbena, middle, and a couple impatiens. Then we headed north on back roads for the Farmers Market. It was packed when we got there at 10AM. And the farm I buy my plants from wasn’t there. But we found one selling organic asparagus and parsnips, so we got some. But no seedling plants to be found.

    It still wasn’t raining when we got back at 10:30AM and once I’d put everything away and changed, I headed out to mow as much as I could. It never did rain and I got the mowing finished by 1:30PM

    New South - giant allium flowers crop May 2024.jpg

    All the giant alliums are in flower in the gardens, these are in the New South garden. The flowers aren’t as big in diameter as previous years, perhaps because the BulbTone I put on last year got leached away by the rain. But they have more I put on this year, and not too much rain, so maybe they will be big again next year.

    Azalea - hybrid spiderwort flowers crop May 2024.jpg

    Around the corner of the house from them, this bright color caught my eye. The hybrid spiderworts under the azalea are starting to flower.

    Azalea - 1st flower crop May 2024.jpg

    I looked up and caught another little bit of pink, the first azalea flower had opened.

    Azalea - covered in buds crop May 2024.jpg

    The azalea is covered in big buds. Last year the late May frost wiped out the buds and I had very few flowers, but this year it ought to be glorious in a couple days.

    Small garden - peas up crop May 2024.jpg

    The peas have all made it past vole munching stage and it looks like we will have a good harvest this year. The carrots are up too and desperately need weeding and thinning.

    Outside of cleaning up the kitchen before I left for the Farmers Market and mowing, I didn’t get anything else done all day, just rested.

    On Sunday my friend is picking me up mid morning and we are headed to Lilacland for a picnic lunch. It’s to be cloudy all day and cool, but no rain. I’m hoping we can stop at a few nurseries on the way and look for lemon verbena.

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