Social Media Challenge Although brawl cards are very powerful, you don't always win with them alone.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    BRAWL cards are very powerful cards and very well used and aligned, they can be lethal and be a factor that can make you win in a devastating way, but in some conditions, the strategy of using these cards is not the best option, and this battle is a sample of this.



    In this case we have among battle conditions that we cannot use legendary cards, which requires us to make lineups only with epic, tatas or common cards that it is possible to make competitive lineups without using legendaries.

    Another interesting condition is that all cards gain MAGIC REFLECTION, so using these cards with magic attack will be disadvantageous, so any card that shields will be an advantage.

    Another interesting battle condition is that all cards gain divine shield so when using cards with the BLAST ability or with double attack which would make it easier to ensure that damage is done with the second attack, which will be my used strategy.

    Additionally, we can only use 19 mana, which limits us in the number of cards used, and we can use all colors except black.

    My Team


    In this case, this summoner will help me win by increasing the speed and giving +1 shield since the battle condition of magical reflection will theoretically encourage my opponent to use only cards with ranged or melee attacks. body, which would help me protect my cards from at least one attack from my opponent.


    This face will protect me for a turn from my opponent's attacks and will strengthen and make my used tank even more dangerous and in the end by increasing its speed, life, attack and shield it will make it more dangerous helping me win.


    This card will be the one that will help us win with its double attack that will help to take out the DIVINE SHIELD faster and thus be able to do damage faster to my enemy's monsters and in addition to its speed, added to the increase in speed that gives the summoner and the increase in speed that VENARI MARKSRAT will give him gives him a better chance of dodging attacks, which could be a fundamental factor in victory.


    This card will provide support by protecting my central monster from possible attacks with SNEAK, in addition to contributing to dealing damage with its attack.


    RONDA 1, 2 and 3

    In the first round, my enemy and I can both attack their respective VENARI MARKSRAT with just one monster, but the DIVINE SHIELD prevents us from doing damage.

    Already in the second turn my enemy manages to eliminate my VENARI MARKSRAT, thus strengthening my COASTAL SENTRY due to his MARTYR ability.

    I only deal 1 damage to his VENARI MARKSRAT by attacking it with my IGOR DARKSPEAR, since my COASTAL SENTRY does not attack when it is in second position.

    In the third turn I eliminated his VENARI MARKSRAT, but this strengthened his CHIMNEY WALLSTOP, making it more dangerous, and his second attack from my COASTAL SENTRY attacked CHIMNEY WALLSTOP, taking away the DIVINE SHIELD, managing to attack him with my IGOR DARKSPEAR, managing to reduce it by 1 shield leaving it 4 shield.

    My enemy attacks my COASTAL SENTRY but cannot deal damage due to the DIVINE SHIELD skill.

    RONDA 4, and 5

    In the fourth round my COASTAL SENTRY and my IGOR DARKSPEAR attack his CHIMNEY WALLSTOP and thus leave him at 5 life.

    My enemy attacks but his attack misses so this sentence him to death,

    Already in the fifth round I eliminate my opponent with the double attack of my COASTAL SENTRY before he attacks.


    In this battle the key was the speed that the summoner KELYA FRENDUL gave him and also the increase in all the statistics thanks to the MARTYR ability of my VENARI MARKSRAT.

    This increase in speed and all the statistics of my COASTAL SENTRY added to his ability double attack, which made it easier to overcome the DIVINE SHIELD that helped me protect my monsters, was what sentenced my enemy to defeat since while I made 3 attacks per turn my enemy only made one attack at me. In addition, my much greater speed managed to dodge my opponent's attacks, so even though he also raised all of his statistics, including his speed, he was not enough to reach my speed, which gave him a great disadvantage.

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