in voilk •  4 months ago

    Love is a beautiful thing most especially with the right partner because it has to be mutual and it can be draining if otherwise. One major memory of having to go a great length to protect (shelter) and to provide (food) for a loved one was during my undergraduate days in the university some years ago to a friend of mine turned brother who we were coursemates and now of the same profession as colleagues now haven graduated together.

    Our friendship started in our third year in the university when we both had similar academic challenge of having to repeat a whole academic session because of our failures based on the peculiarity of our course of study (Pharmacy). From then, we both studied together and do things in common. We finsihed that session gloriously as we moved to the next level (year 4) and we were both happy including other affected colleagues of ours then. I was able to secure accomodation in school hostel but my friend wasn't able, so he has to stay outside campus and he was able to secure an accommodation outside school though abit far. Due to the demand of our course of study and the perculiarities of this year 4 (penultimate class), he approached me about staying with me anything he will be staying back on campus which i gladly consented to.

    During this time, we will sleep together on my small bunk and most times i will cooked for us to eat though we will both contribute from our monthly allowance to buy foodstuff and go to the market inorder to purchase foodstuffs together. Not only that, when anyone of us is having a challenge with a course or needed a help or assistance, we gladly render it to each other as resources, time and chance permits. We also study together, discuss and academically of help to one another. This we did till we graduated because we had a straight pass in our year four and year five (final year), infact we did project work in the same department but under different lecturers and we finished together well. I was glad to be of helped and assistance then both in accommodating my friend and in feeding. Source

    This turned out well till today as we are still in touch with one another and of great benefits to each other even though we stay in different states of the country (Nigeria). Though it was sacrificial for me to do it at that time because I was from a humble background same as him and i have to adjust to this considering him before i will take some steps or actions but it really worth it in the long run because we are able to achieve alot with our combined efforts and meager resources available at our disposal. Infact, most of my roommates then enjoyed our company then. This experience built in me the ability to be accomodating and to be of help which is helping me even in my marriage now as a married man. Therefore, if love is mutual and values aligned as it is with my friend, it can make someone to go a long way to be of help and go great lengths for each other. Thanks so much for reading and i believe it worth it, comments are welcomed.

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