in voilk •  5 months ago

    I'm super excited to bring forth this engagement at this moment. It's been quite challenging for us here in Nigeria however God is really helping us. I couldn't participate in the engagement last week due to some challenges but God is really helping me now. As for the engagement this week, I saw all the topics andy heart just picked the issue of sound that gets me irritated. It took me some few minutes to digest and resolved to write this. So many thoughts crept into my heart but I would like to share about my experience on the heavy duty construction machines which produces the most kind of noise or rather sound that I detest.

    Personally I don't such much like a noisy environment because I like privacy and as per a scientist a decent environment enables me to have some critical thoughts. Couple of weeks ago, a construction company started working on the streets across my town. The bull dozer came and started destroying or removing whatever that obstructs their movement in the course of the construction. The kind of sound it produces was actually unpleasant for me. The impact of the sound was even shaking some buildings. Those of us whose structures were not too far from the construction site our ears were in deep mess.

    Is not every sound that is good for human beings some could be restrictive and if not taken care could lead to severe damage of some parts of the body. The ear drum is fragile hence the need to take adequate care of it. Do you want to get me upset easily? Hmm then take me to construction site where heavy duty machine is. Last year, I was in my village to celebrate the Christmas. There are certain construction company that were exploring our mountain top and cutting the stones into different sizes while some were converted to marble, granit, tiles and other valuable materials. The kind of noise that overwhelmed the entire hmmm was something else ooooo. I couldn't hear myself neither was I able to relate with any one well because of the sound. I don't like the sound from such machines.

    Sound could means different things to different people. What one could tolerate could be a noise to the next person. There are some sound from the construction site especially when they want to break hard stones. They use dynamite at times which human activities are restricted because of the danger and the kind of sound it produces. The sound could make one to be afraid and tensed even to move. It could also increase the blood pressure of an individual. The sound from these areas could cause havoc to both plants and animals. Infact such sound also lead to instant death because is not everyone that can bear such sound.

    One sound that irritates me is the sound from heavy construction machines of any kind. Thanks for visiting and reading through. I look forward to your response. Thanks.

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