in voilk •  4 days ago

    Do not work with the time of a fellow brother. Instead, be calm, be intentional, be courageous, and be focused on yourself. work at your own pace and achieve everything you want at the right time, while doing the right things and taking the right steps. Do this and a life filled with sweetness and happiness awaits you someday. - FOX…


    First things first, do you think one word of advice would be enough to set the coming generation on the right path? That's a question I want you all to answer first before moving on. Thanks to many factors, the world keeps advancing every day. Science and technology have made life easier and more complicated for the people of this generation. This is just the twenty-first century, and children born in this generation are not really something to celebrate.…

    The behavior and thinking of kids in this generation are very different from that of our parents and ancestors. If children are like this now, how do you think the next generation will be? I know not all children of this generation have faults, but the number of those with faults is very high compared to the well-behaved ones.…

    The children of this generation are very different, amongst the children of this generation, we have internet fraudsters and many more that I won’t like to mention. Since science and technology keep advancing daily, I would say there’s a big task ahead of us. If care is not taken, the children of the next coming generation will be badder, if not all, atleast there will be baddies and baddest…

    In summary, the children of the next coming generation will be a two way thing, some will be baddies, I mean baddies raised to power 2, and the others will be cool and normal, which means we need to be very prepared of the next coming generation…


    Moving on, if I had one piece of advice for the next generation that would put them on the right path, what would that advice be??…




    To succeed and prosper in life, every child, irrespective of their age, gender and generation needs to understand the two above-listed sayings…

    This is because the world we have now is filled with both COMPETITION and OPPRESSION. everyone wants to wear expensive shoes and clothes. They want drip in the latest trends, cars and phones. If they are even going through the right means to achieve all these things, it would have been better, but no they aren’t…

    The competition in this generation is very high, which means for the next generation it will be higher, and the higher the competition, the higher the oppression and the danger that revolves around them…

    In this generation, a child of 17 years old has a mansion, with many exotic rides in this compound and a luxurious lifestyle. If we have children of this age with this level of luxury in our generation, what’s the guarantee that the next generation won’t be bigger and more…

    As long as we have the rich, the poor and the middle class, there will always be oppression and competition lurking around, and if these two things are present, it means there is a big danger looming ahead…


    Friends will go to school and graduate someday. The truth is that not all of them will make it soon, 50 percent of them will be rich immediately after graduation and the remaining 50 percent will just be there, with this there will be oppression…

    The 50 percent rich friends will have a problem of competing with each other, they will want to always be ahead of each other, and meeting up with their peers they will result to different things, which won’t end well for them…

    "The next generation's children need to understand that not everyone who has money today earned it the right way. If you think they have a good source of income and want to be like them, I feel sorry for you.…

    If your friend becomes rich tomorrow, don’t envy him or her, be happy for him or her and pray your story changes for the better someday, don’t leave your honest source of living to go meet that friend. Keep doing what you do and by his grace fortune will smile on you someday…

    In summary, I believe there will oppression and competition in every generation, and not to be a victim of oppression and competition, the children of the next generation need to understand these two sayings. Never compete with friends in certain areas, and fight oppression with hard work and honest living…

    In conclusion, If the children of the coming generation can follow these proverbs to the end, their life will be filled with sweetness and happiness, in the presence of wealth and good fortune…

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