Resuscitation of master piece of a master chef

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Angelina was searching cupboards in her storeroom throwing things and papers here and there. As a consequence of her search, the room was turned into squalor. “**Where are you, come before me **“, She mumbled in her mouth. Robert was standing beside her mother, observing her spreading mess but he was silent as this pigsty was all due to him.

    Robert was a student of 6th standard. There was a competition in his college where not just students would participate but their families too. It was a cooking competition in which participants would have to cook a motley form of the dish which must feel delicious to the taste buds of judges.

    When Robert discussed this with his mother, she refused at first because both she and her husband have busy schedules but she didn't want Robert to feel bad as well. But the question arose of what to cook for the competition and then she remembered her grandmother who used to formulate a pickle that was famous not only in her family but in the whole town. That pickle and unique as well. Angelina was not a specialist cook but she wanted to do her best for her son. That’s why she picked the dish that was hard to formulate but was unique and if formulated it was gonna be dish of the day.

    Angelina looked for recipes in her storeroom as she heard from her mother that your grandma had written all the recipes in a book. After the demise of her mother, Angelina shifted all her documents and possessions to her house. That book was also in that. And now it was time to extricate it out to unfold its mysteries.


    “Mama, what are you searching for? Is there any ingredient concealed in these cupboards...At least tell me” Robert asked his mother

    “Kiddo..not ingredient but the whole master formula lies in there....But I do not know where I have kept that diary...I must be careful in keeping that...That was not just a book but a gist of your grand grandmother’s knowledge and skills” Angelina replied.

    “Now there is only one cupboard remaining...So why are you not checking that”, Robert innocently asked.

    “Your father is searching for keys for that...This clip does hold its keys” " she said pointing towards a bunch of keys in her hand.

    Meanwhile, Mr Watson appeared on the spot and got confounded after seeing the slummy situation of the storeroom. His laughter broke up seeing all that mess.

    “NOW WHO IS GONNA CLEAN IT UP dear wifey,” Robert asked in a buoyant tone. But Angelina scowled showing eyes to him.

    Okay ...Robert you and I will have to clean it. Momma is angry. He smirked.

    After taking the keys from Watson, Angelina opened the cupboard. He checked all the shelves but couldn't find anything. All of a sudden she happened to look at a heavy wrapper. She unfolded it with prayers as it was her last hope and to her fortune, the book was in that. She screamed with joy. “Here you are” she muttered.

    Robert and Watson were also smiling, seeing her in that excitement.

    Now the question arose would Angelina be able to formulate the pickle in the way her grandmother used to be? Although the recipe was there she remembered that every time her mother tried to formulate that pickle, she failed.
    “If Mother failed who was a far better cook than me then how can I formulate that sort of pickle”, the thoughts were looming in her mind, discouraging her but at the same time, she was optimistic too as that was not just only for her son’s competition but also to pay tribute to her grandmother as well.

    The competition day arrived. Robert was in his school along with his parents. They were standing on the stall assigned to them. The rules were announced. There were two parameters for winners i.e. 1) The product must look good to judges. 2) The product must be sold out as well. It means the public should also like it.

    When the competition commenced, Angelina was nervous. She was not allowed to consult any book or phone. Though she had already remembered the methodology and brought all the ingredients too there lay some sort of hesitation in her mind as well. But Watson assuaged her by placing both his hands on her cheeks and said,
    “Don’t worry about are going to resuscitate a recipe of your are doing this to make your kid happy and see you have done it both already. Don’t worry, let’s start and shine like stars this time as well as you do always my champ.”


    These words motivated her a lot. She hugged her husband and then started formulating their dish. All the ingredients were to be managed by Watson. Robert was instructed to convey messages and assist her momma and Angelina was to formulate. Angelina was calm. She was just enjoying the formulation of her dish remembering the taste when her grandmother used to formulate this.

    The formulation time ended and products were offered to judges first. She served her product with a small and very thin piece of bread. She wanted to see the judge‘s reaction but she was instructed to go back to her stall where her husband was eagerly waiting for her. The dish was now open to the public as well and what she saw, she couldn't believe. Her stall was crowded with people. She went in inertia until her husband yelled at her and asked her to assist him as it was now out of his control to deal with the public alone.

    She immediately rushed and took the responsibility of picking up orders and pouring them into packaging parcels. Watson was to pack it properly and Robert was to pick money from them. Although the other stalls were crowded as well their pickle sold out very early.

    Now there was a wait for the results. The stage secretary invited the chief guest to the podium to announce the winner. He thanked the school administration first for conducting such an exciting competition in school and then thanked parents as well for participating in it.

    There were many dishes in today's competition offered to judges and the public. All had their own taste and specifications and all were like no one could stop his/her hands going towards those dishes. But there was a one-dish in them which reminisce me of childhood. That was a famous dish of the city which used to be cooked by an old lady. The taste in her hand was unique and today I exactly felt the same taste again. The other judge’s and the public’s opinions favored that dish as well. You all might have guessed it already I think so without prolonging my speech I announce Mr Robert and his family winner of today's competition.”


    Robert jumped with overwhelming joy. He was laughing and excited and Angelina got senti after listening to those words and seeing her kid that excited.
    Watson hugged them both.❤️

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