Building Wealth - Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability

in voilk •  5 months ago

    I think there's a quote that says, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone". Once I am done with writing this inflow of thoughts I will Google it and of course, reference the owner.
    Building Wealth - Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability.png
    If you read the quote closely and with a desire to understand it, you will come to terms with the fact that there are things that we want and it feels far off our reach. Every day we watch other people enjoy these things and we merely dream and sometimes envy. We tend to forget to ask how that person was able to achieve those feats and see if there's something we can learn so we too could accomplish them. We fail to see the efforts they put in to gain those results. We prefer to sit still, wallow in our comfort zones, and never try to push past the boundaries we set for ourselves.

    What we did fail to grasp as we waited for everything to be fine before we leap is that we needed to push past our comfort zones to unlock certain levels of abundance and prosperity. We would need to possibly gain more skills, invest in productivity, and better tools, be more observant, and become open to advanced learning to access certain values and finally results.

    Growth and transformation will only happen when we push past the limits we set in our minds. The doors of opportunities will be unlocked if we step up and try to level up. Those territories that we felt were out of our league and reach will be accessible when we expand our comfort zones.

    A lot of people might tell us that being too ambitious is bad for us. What is happening at the tail end of that conversation is the person giving the advice is trying to mirror their insecurities on us. Since they have given up on chasing dreams, new paths, and revelations, they want to stop you from doing the same. Misery loves company, they say, so the next time someone gives you advice, filter them, and do what it is you want to do. Yes, being ambitious is good as long as the goals you are setting are realistic and you have a plan on how to achieve them. It's only a defeated cause if you do not have a plan and you are merely daydreaming.

    With those plans in place, you can move forward and take conscious and consistent actions toward your goals. I do have to remind you that you need a growth mindset for this to work out. A doubting spirit will keep you down and demotivated. If there's one thing I learned by re-reading the 50th law is the subtle reminder that studying and understanding our environment will always give us an edge over everything. If you jump into a mission without a map and understanding of the terrain, the possibility of you falling flat on your face is sure. So with a growth and observant mind, you piece two and two together and break even. At this point, you will begin to see the limits you set for yourself in the past were diabolical and you need to break away from such negativity and target life with clear goals and conscious efforts.

    Speaking of diabolical thoughts, you should be well aware that there are limiting beliefs that keep you down no matter how much you want to get up. If you ask anyone who understands how wealth works, you will see that some of them will attribute their success to luck. And they will be right to some extent and that is because apart from the external contribution of investing, budgeting, and living as frugal as possible, there's the internal factor that starts with how you think.

    Have you ever asked yourself why a book was written and titled, "Think and Grow Rich"? It should tell you that there's more to wealth building and success than what you know. Your mindset, your beliefs, how you think about money, and how it makes you feel, play a role as you advance past your comfort zone to the realm of success.

    Unlocking our desired wealth and success therefore will depend on a lot of factors, and if you keep trying to figure them out, remember to take action, after all Tony Robbins, said in his book, "Money Master The Game";

    If you let your learning lead to knowledge, you become a fool. If you let your learning lead to action, you become wealthy.


    Neale Donald Walsch - Quote

    The 50th Law - Book by Robert Greene & 50 Cents

    Think and Grow Rich - Book by Napoleon Hill

    Money - Master The Game- Book by Tony Robbins

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