Wednesday Walk on Day 53 - The 100 Day Project

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Finally a post I could really get my teeth into. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this and the accompanying photo walk. It's been a while.

    This is my contribution to the Wednesday Walk challenge which was started by @tattoodjay way back when. The idea is to get out for a short walk and get some shots of what you can see within a short distance of your home office or wherever you start.

    I'm not sure where the original challenge description is but, if you're new to this and would like to join in you can read the guidelines here. (I've since discovered that the guidelines appear to be on all of TattoodJay's Wednesday Walk posts nowadays. 😂)

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    It's been a very long time since I last wrote a #wednesdaywalk post but today it all seemed to fall into place to write one.

    Wednesday is when I work in a friend's garden office all day. I normally get a lift in but today that is not possible so I was planning to catch a bus. However, it's a lovely morning (a very rare thing recently) so I thought I'd walk rather than bus.

    I must have noticed a #wednesdaywalk post in my feed or something because I got the idea to write one myself. I'll either need to take some arty farty photography or let plain old regular photography be enough for Day 53 of The 100 Day Project.

    I wasn't feeling called to the attic so a photo walk seemed ideal.

    I have no idea what I will photograph and I'm trying not to pre-empt my creativity by making a plan so let's see what turns up . . .

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    Well I think it's fair to say that the first thing that caught my eye was a bit arty farty. I like the colour and pattern of the rust as it has oozed from the railings. It reminds me of the dripping I often do in my abstract art.

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    Next is a Victorian cast iron balcony. For no other reason than it caught my eye when I looked up and I thought it was pretty. 😁

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    I took this one simply because on first look it seems like the front of the photo is in shadow but actually it's in the same light all over.

    The contrast in the grass colour is due to the boards that we laid on it to protect it over the weekend of the local marathon. The boards were down for about a week during which the weather wasn't very bright anyway so I thought it was interesting to see how much the colour has changed despite the rest of the grass not getting much sun.

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    And now we're onto the beach huts. I can't take you for a stroll along the prom without showing you some.

    I took this picture because the plastic bags reminded me of those bags you used to get at fairs when you won a goldfish. (Is that still a thing? Or is it considered cruelty to animals these days?)

    The hut owner has obvioulsy added them to protect the padlocks which are protecting the beach hut. A sort of who protects the protector senario. 😂

    I'm always fascinated by how much humans follow each other. This locks in bags thing is already beginning to catch on. I noticed a couple more further on and one owner had even had some purpose made.

    I'm not aware of any spates of beach hut break-ins recently so this is probably just a case of keeping up with, or in the latter case, trying to surpass, the Jonses'. 🤣

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    Now we're onto the "my stripes are better than yours" trend. The council has strict rules about the sides, back and roofs of our local beach huts but, as far as the doors go, you can do your own thing.

    Again, there is a tendency to copy the neighbours and a plethora of different stripe designs have sprung up in recent years.

    The first photo I took to illustrate this had 3 stripey huts in a line but then I cam across these 4. I kept my eye out for a longer continuous stretch but although there were plenty of others none beat these for the "how many striped beach huts can we get in a row" prize.

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    Now this one is a bit of a rebel - the first of it's kind.

    I wonder how long it will be before someone copies this idea or paints something similar to make it their own.

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    So with the beach huts covered we can now move on to the truly arty farty - a public art installation by Pierre Diamantopoulo.

    It is called Flight of the Langoustine and, according to Brighton And Hove News

    depicts four life-size figures leaping for freedom through broken steel bars and becomes the second work to stand on the Hove Plinth.

    The idea for the piece of art was born after the sculptor found a discarded and mangled lobster pot on Brighton beach.

    Diamantopoulo said that the figures were “an absurdist response to a profound sense of unrest”.


    Hmmm. Yeah. I reckon that meets the criteria for arty farty. 🤣

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    And if my name was Damian Hurst I'm sure this would qualify as art too - 'Empty Fish Egg Cases in Puddle with Rubbish'.

    That'll be £125K please.

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    And last but not least, 'Brits On The Beach'. A little bit of sunshine and we're out there soaking up the rays. Never mind there's a cold wind and we're fully dressed. Gotta love um! 😁

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    I hope you enjoyed strolling along the prom with me. I had more photos to show you but it's already lunch time and I've yet to do any work so those pics will have to wait for another day. 😱

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    You can now read all of this Project's posts in one place by visiting the
    The 100 Day Project - 2024 - Collection.

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    💚 Thanks to all those cheering me on. Your support is very much appreciated. 💚
    @jacey.boldart @denmarkguy @alchemystones @steevc @shanibeer @stickupboys @nickydee @lizelle

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