
in voilk •  3 months ago

    This incident happened when I gained admission into the university, I had to relocate from my home to a hostel closer to school and I have two girls as roommates. We lived peacefully at first the house chores was shared and everybody had their duty every day. The person would tidy up the room, kitchen, and bathroom on assigned days.

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    I noticed that my roommates did not keep to the cleaning rule they had made, (they arrived at the hostel a few weeks before I came) in fact they barely cleaned or swept. (I should have known something was wrong when I met the room untidy on the first day I arrived) But I found them quite funny and entertaining, and we would banter each other for fun.

    I took it upon myself to do the cleaning, washing of dishes, sweeping and everything when I discovered they hated to clean. Because I know it's not possible for everyone to like cleaning. Most people prefer cooking or doing laundry to the whole cleaning package that entails everything.

    But after sometime I discovered they didn't just want to do anything around the room, even cooking, and I was fine with it. The problem started when things kept getting worse. Even taking their plates to the kitchen after meals was a big deal for them.

    Me: “Babes pick your plate up now, you've gone to the kitchen like three times to get water”

    Rommie: “Oh I'll do it later, leave it there”

    Me rolling my eyes: “Lets hope you don't step on it before you pick it up later

    Which would turn out to be the case, or eventually, they would forget to pick it until they left the room and I would have no choice but to clean up.

    Other annoying occurrences was littering the entire place with wrappers of snacks or sachets of water when we had a waste bin just few feet away. And of course making the kitchen looked like an earthquake had just occurred and leaving it scattered, then designing the mirror in the bathroom with paste, soap suds and occasionally mascara and makeup. It began to feel like I was living with kids who didn't know how to clean up after themselves.

    Their behavior set my teeth on edge and irritated me, but I kept my cool. I finally lost it one day when I returned from school to find a house that I had left immaculately clean before leaving for lectures looking like a war zone.

    The room was littered as usual, clothes were scattered everywhere and my precious made up bed had been scattered. I walked into the kitchen in shock to find the sink piled high with dirty plates and pots. I was too scared to check the state of the bathroom.

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    “I can't believe this!” I shouted as I came back into the room.

    “What’s wrong Loveth. Did you see a rat?” one of them asked.

    “With the way you girls manage to keep this place untidy always, I won't be surprised if we find not only rats but cockroaches one day” I replied wishing I could spank them like little children.

    “But what did we do wrong?” they asked together.

    “Seriously how can you girls live like this? The whole place is dirty, and I cleaned it before leaving this morning” I screamed.

    They had the grace to look ashamed for a minute before promising as usual to clean it up. I hissed and headed to my wardrobe to pack a few clothes.

    “Where are you going?” One of them asked.

    “I'm going to my Aunty's place” I replied angrily.

    “When are you coming back?” the other one asked, panic written on her face.

    “Why? So I can continue cooking and cleaning up after you girls like babies. I could turn a blind eye to all your mess, but I can't because I live here! And dirt irritates me” I replied.

    “We're sorry, don't leave. We'll clean up later” they pleaded.

    “Of course, you girls will. Whenever you go out and return tonight or tomorrow morning as usual you do it” I replied, banging the door as I left.

    I knew I had to leave because they would never tidy the house as long as I was around, and I couldn't force them or even beat them. I felt like I had spoiled them, but then again, I don't think they ever did chores in their homes. Turned out, my decision to leave them on their own for a few days worked.

    I came home to a very neat and organized room and over time I discovered they were really trying hard to become better, and I was happy about it. But whenever I notice them reverting to their old ways, I pack up my things and seek refuge in my aunt's house. Haha!

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