Social media challenge - My first battle win since moving from novice league to bronze

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Last week is one of my happiest week since I've been playing splinterlands, it's the week I advanced from novice league to bronze. For a beginner like me it's actually a step forward to greater things.
    Seeing the congratulatory message, I was so happy about it like someone who just won a United State or United kingdom visa.
    I think I tried though, because I was winning all my battles, and before I knew it, I saw the surprise package of promotion to the next level, till now I'm still excited.

    The funny thing about the whole thing was that since I moved to bronze III, I've been losing all my battles back to back, my opponents keep crushing me like grape. I was already getting tired, I just said I should okyay the last one before quitting for the day, and to my greatest surprise, I won. Another surprise package, I was so happy again because I didn't believe I could win with my normal cards, I was already thinking of how I'll rent some cards that will help me win battles and keep me on track and leveled with the league I'm now.

    About the game, we're given 46 Mana cap and the rule of the game is standard.
    Firstly I was happy about the Mana cap because it always give me the opportunity to settle down in choosing my preferred monsters, but the amazing thing was that myself and my opponent used almost the same monsters, we used up to three monsters that were the same, I was surprised seeing it. Sighting my opponent setup, I was loosing hope already from the start, I just summoned courage to see what the outcome will be, to my surprise after the first and second round, I was seeing the progress I was making and I knew I had a chance, the rounds lasted nine good rounds but in round seven, I had crushed all monsters from my opponent remaining just one while I still have up to four monsters with good health and ability.
    This made me to easily crush the last man standing in round nine.

    battle link

    I like using two summoners regularly, the first is kelya frendul and Avina of the wolf, yet out of this two, my preferable monster happens to be kelya, because I'm used to virtually all its monsters than any other summoner, don't know if this will later change as time goes on but for now that's the present situation of things.

    How I setup my team:
    I placed Ulundin overseer in the first position, and because of its flank ability, it's able to help the monster in the second position to gain reach.
    Next was Flying sound with reach ability and next to it was Deeplurker a very good monster with the opportunity ability, helping me to attack my opponent anywhere, next is Merdaali Guardian with tank heal ability helping to restore the health of the monster in the first position once each round and down to Nimbledook ranger, a very good monster I love to use frequently, it has two abilities, the snipe and double strike ability, which enables it to attack twice each round, the last on the least is Grimbardun Fighter with shield ablity.
    I enjoyed the game and I can't stop watching the replay over and over again.


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