2 Round Battle in Close Range Ruleset Edition

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Black Classic The Dark Places Youtube Thumbnail.png

    Heyyy yooooo
    what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I want to share my battle using my scholar account in Balthazar guild. And since playing scholar account so that mean the battle is in Diamond Modern Format League.In this battle i want to share how to manage minion monster (4 manacost and below) battle in Diamond League. And the battle this time is very fast to end, with just 2 round the victory can be determined. Usually when the ruleset like Close Range come out, we utilized the ruleset. But, this time i encountered with opponent that not using any range monster units instead. So,lets see how i manage this ruleset and what strategy that i used this time.



    Okay since you guys know that the ruleset is Broken Arrows lets knowing this ruleset a little bit deeper.This ruleset description is

    Units with ranged attacks are allowed to attack in the first position.

    So basically range monster can be used as a frontline tanker too. And in this ruleset is range monster unit is very benefited. But, remember there are some summoner that very easily countering range monster such as Quix The Destroyer or Ilthain that can counter any range monster. So,what if we think in very contrary with this ruleset. So imagine like opponent will using range monster in this battle because the ruleset Close Range that gives benefit to range monster. So, we need to counter it using magic monster instead range monster to make all the range monster got direct damage and defeated first before taste the frontline. And what if the opponent using the counter using magic type units instead range monster units. It is like playing rock,paper,scissor in our head right. So lets break down all the ruleset and my arrangement this time,shall we.


    Strategy Phase

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    As you can see in the picture above this battle have 3 ruleset, the first ruleset is Little League that means both players only can using 4 manacost monsters and summoners, The second ruleset is Close Range that means all range monster will having close range ability that will make all range monster can attack in frontline. The las but not least is Fire & Regret that means all range monster will get backfire damage after launghing attack and hit opponent. The manacap that can be used in this time is 43 which is way too much because the Little League ruleset will make just needed maximum 28 manacost. And the element that can be used in this battle is just Fire and Earth element. Which is why both players not picking any range monster since in both element range monster that having good ability and just costing 4 manacost below is very few choice. In this case i am still using Earth element because in Earth element there is have Iza The Fanged the legendary monster that having good ability. So this is my strategy you can look in the table below

    Summoner+1 Magic DamageBecause if the Little League ruleset, it makes the choice of the summoner is limited. And when using scholar account the choice of the summoner either using Obsidian or Tarsa only. And i am thinking that using magic monster is still better than using melee monster since in scholar account there is very limited monster units in Fire element.
    Frontline Tanker I am using Xenith Monk in order to counter opponent if using magic monster type attack. Since the best choice is using magic monster in this battle choices. Xenith Monk is very suitable monster that can be a frontliner because this monster can healing it self with heal ability and having void ability that can reduce the magic damage taken. And the last is when opponent using magic attack, this monster can reflected it and give backfire damage to opponent magic monster.
    Filler buff I am using Fungus Flinger because this monster having pretty good ability that giving blind effect to opponent while this monster alive and affliction to if this monster can hit opponent frontliner. But remember the Fire & Regrets ruleset after this monster attack and hitting opponent monster, it will get backfire damage and if this monster defeated, it will giving buff status to adjacent units.
    Attacker I am using Djinn Biljka after Fungus Flinger because this monster is really my main attacker if opponent did not bringing any magic reflect monster. And if this monster hit opponent that having magic reflect it should worthed to goves great damage to opponent. If not, it will make this monster strongest monster that having 4 magic damage in this battle. Especially when the fungus flinger got died from backfire. It will make this monster magic attack goes to 5. And this monster also cannot be targeted if not in frontline because of the camouflage ability, And the weaken ability will make opponent line up get the health reduced.
    Attacker and Tanker I am bringing Iza because this monster can also be a good tanker after got feed by both player monster that died in the battle,Scavenger ability will make the max health of this monster growing larger and larger. And this monster also hit the backline first. So, divided direction attack will helping to destroy opponent line up too. Dont forget if having Good Luck the stun ability will make opponent cannot doing anything after got stunned.
    Support Queen Mycelia is on of the best legendary monster that cost 4 mana only to giving support and buff support to all my team mates with the protect ability that giving 2 additional armor and having amplify ability to make the backfire even more damage. And the triage ability that can heal the secondliner until the backline monster. And the last is Rust ability that can make 2 armor of opponent line up dissapear.
    Support I am bringing Venari Spellsmith to utilize the dispel ability. Just in case if opponent bringing Dr Bligt in opponent line up. Dispel ability will reset the buff for Dr Blight and it will make Dr Blight will come back weak and easily defeated. And if the opponent using sneak monster ability this monster can be as an attacker too if defeated can gives 1 damage to all opponent line up with redemption ability.

    So this is my line up that i am prepared if the opponent will using magic type monster to countered my line up. Hopefully that opponent will using many magic type monster that not having affliction ability in there.




    Okay this time i am ecnountered with player in great guild and this time opponent using tarsa, i think i am wrong picking up my line up since usually tarsa is full with melee monster and sneak monster. So lets see how the battle going

    Round 1 Part 1

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    In this part as usual in round 1 both parties got buff and debuff from both summoners and monsters. And this time my team got

    • 1 Buff Magic Damage from my summoner Obsidian
    • 1 Speed Debuff from opponent Scavo Chemist ability Slow
    • 1 Ranged Attack Debuff from opponent Scavo Chemist ability Headwinds
    • 2 Armor Buff from my Queen Mycelia ability Protect
      In opponent side got
    • 1 Health Buff from opponent summoner Tarsa
    • 1 Buff Melee attack from opponent Summoner Tarsa
    • Blind effect from my Fungus Flinger ability Blind
    • 1 Health Debuff from my Djinn Biljka ability Weaken
    • 1 Melee Buff from opponent Nimbledook Scout ability Inspire

    And Nimbledook Scout and Scavo Chemist also got 2 magic type attack due the Moxian Rebel ability Weapon Training. And the last the ambush attack from opponent Gobalano Soldier ability Ambush but it is missed this tiem.

    Round 1 Part 2

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    After got buff and debuffed stuff,the battle started. And in this round the movement is so much so i divided to 2 part. The first attacker goes to of course to Exploding Rats that have the highest speed in this board and break my Xenith Monk armor also break my Fungus Flinger armor. And then Nimbledoon Scout attacking my Xenith Monk And the blast damage make infliction to my Fungus Flinger too, and after that my Xenith Monk reflected the magic damage to Nimbledook Scout and gives 2 damage back. After that opponent Scavo Chemist cleanse debuff to opponent Exploding Rat and attacking my Xenith Monk and get magic reflect damage. Then opponent Uraeus attacking my Venari Spellsmith and gives poison effect. But it will be useless since opponent Gobaland Soldier following and defeated my Venari Spellsmith. After died,Venari Spellsmith activated the redemption ability and gives 1 damage to opponent line up. After that Moxian Rebel attacking my Xenith Monk again and get magic reflect damage too.Lets continue the battle in part 3 shall we.

    Round 1 Part 3

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    After Moxian Rebel get Magic Reflect damage then my Iza attacked opponent Gobaland Soldier because having sneak ability. And get Return Fire ability and just hit the armor. After that my Fungus Flinger defeated opponent Exploding Rats and activate Redemption ability that Exploding Rats have and gives 1 damage to all my line up. Then my Xenith Monk healing itself and gives damage to opponent Nimbeldook Scout and following by my Queen Mycelia defeated opponent Nimbledook Scout and makes the 1 Melee attack buff goes away for opponent team line up. Then the last is my Djinn Biljka defeated opponent Moxian Rebel. Just in 1 round my team defeated half of opponent line up. I think the choice using Xenith Monk with magic reflect ability is really good in this ruleset battle.

    Round 2 Part 1

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    In round 2 the first attacker goes to opponent Scavo Chemist attaking my Xenith Monk with Magic attack and got Reflection damage and then opponent Uraeus missing attacking my Queen Mycelia this time. After that opponent Gobaland Soldier break my Queen Mycelia armor. And then my Iza defeated opponent Gobaland Soldier and get backfire attack by Return Fire damage. After that my Fungus Flinger attacking Scavo Chemist and got return fire effect too, but it cannot make my Fungus Flinger defeated.So what do you think guys, it can finished in just 2 round? Or need more round to defeated opponent line up?

    Round 2 Part 2

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    After my Fungus Flinger attack then this time my Xenith Monk missing attacking Scavo Chemist but Xenith monk still can healing itself. After that my Queen Mycelia defeated opponent Scavo Chemist and the last is my Djinn Biljka defeated opponent Uraeus.

    And wow, i am schocking that the battle is so fast and just need 2 round only. Especially when i am encountered with Champion Player. It is really honor for me that can win to champion player.

    If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

    or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

    2 Round Battle in Close Range Ruleset Edition



    After looking this battle i can make conclution that yeah arranging strategy in Splinterlands is like playing Rock,Scissor,Paper. When we are guessing right it will make the battle feel easy and moves according the plans like in this battle. I am guessing that opponent will using magic monster type to battle with me. And thats the right guessing and thats why my Xenith Monk outcoming opponent strategy. But, if opponent using just range and melee type attack only, i think my team will defeated. So yeah i am still grateful that i am not totally having bad luck, this time i am still having some a little luck then. And for using Fire element like that, it is pretty good strategy especially utilize the melee type attack with sneak ability.


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    Thank you too for @arcange and all splinterlands curator that support by voting almost my content and hopefully support this one too
    The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
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    All images taken from Splinterlands website

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