Control Over Convenience in Crypto

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Binance shocker

    Hi guys, I almost went into shock yesterday when my Binance app didn’t work but I serve a living God, somehow the page that was blank and unresponsive suddenly showed up and I was able to do what I was struggling to get done for over 15minutes. Guys. My life literally flashed before my eyes.

    In my mind I’m like, Is this it? Is this the end? Has Binance really shut the door on Nigerians without warning?

    The thought of having to look for another place where I could exchange USDT for Naira, the thought of having to deal with new or no regulations on other platforms, I was almost having a mini panic attack, it just dawned on me how attached to Binance I’d become over time.

    Convenience or Control

    As a someone who speaks about decentralized applications all the time, this is one point where I appreciate centralization, it’s all about the ease of use, but inside this seeming extremely cool trade off lies the bane of the centralization, the lack of total user control, the ability for govts to do back door handshake deals with the entities in control for surveillance and censorship purposes.

    The incident with Binance was a stark reminder of the thin line we walk between convenience and control.

    While decentralized platforms champion user sovereignty, Centralization, as seen with Binance, offers a streamlined, user-friendly experience that's hard to resist. Yet, this comes at a cost.

    The momentary panic I experienced is a testament to how much power we've handed over to centralized entities, willingly entrusting them with our assets and, by extension, a significant portion of our financial freedom.

    It's a paradox that as much as we rave about the decentralization ethos of crypto, many of us still rely heavily on centralized platforms for their reliability and ease of access.

    This reliance creates a vulnerability, a potential choke point where things can go awry, whether due to technical glitches, regulatory pressures, or outright bans.

    At this point, I would be worried if Binance closes shop in Nigeria and this shouldn’t be. What have I gotten myself into. God abeg 🤲

    Sleeping Giants Awake



    In other interesting news, I have been telling you about Hive, Hive I not? Hehe a little pun there. It seems Hive has finally caught on some action as it suddenly awoke from the trenches of $0.28-$0.30 and gracefully braced the shores of $0.41 and was there for over 2 days, truth be told this is the most interesting Hive price action we’ve had in over 6 months.

    When someone is very thirsty, even drops of water are appreciated! While hive was basking in its 10% move, Meme coins were popping over %100 gains in hours, Doge, Floki, Shiba, Pepe were the highlight of many holders during the weekend it was nice to see.

    One minute you're sipping your coffee, scrolling through Twitter, and the next, Doge, Shiba, and their meme buddies are skyrocketing, turning the market into a veritable meme-fest.

    It's the kind of chaos that makes you wonder if the crypto gods are just having a laugh. But hey, who's complaining? If your portfolio is dancing in green because of it, cheers to you!

    So where are we and where are we going? Memes are clearly the hype of this run, but as many of us know hype don’t last real people do. My honest hope is that while people are loosing their shit over meme gains they also pick up some gems that last.

    I've come to realize that being a part of this world means embracing both. Yes, ride the meme wave, enjoy the adrenaline rush, but don't forget to anchor yourself in projects with solid fundamentals, projects that are here to stay and make a real difference.


    Speaking of Memes, there’s a new meme being worked on by a Splinterlands dev I aped into today with about $35 called Push and Shove. Hopefully I can for the first time time in my life say I rode a meme to the moon and cashed out huge. Would be nice for my portfolio and audience.

    As for Binance giving me a mini heart attack? Well, it's a stark reminder that I’ve got to be on my toes, ready for anything.

    So, here's to the ups and downs - may we all find our balance, enjoy the highs, weather the lows, and come out stronger on the other side. And remember, in the midst of it all, take a moment to appreciate the journey, because it's one heck of a ride!

    Thanks for reading.

    Images were generated with Ai

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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