in voilk •  3 months ago

    What can be greater happiness for a believer than to pray for one night and get the reward of worshiping for more than eighty-three years in his deeds and deeds.

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    If a believer is lucky enough to have such a night, then his luck will wake up, and if he is lucky enough to worship on such a night ten or twelve times in his life, then needless to say, he will be the most fortunate person. This night is called Shab al-Qadr, Allah Almighty said about it Lailat al-Qadr Khair min al-Shahr (Surat al-Qadr) The night of Qadr is better than a thousand months, and a thousand months are eighty-three years. On this account, it can be said that worshiping this one night is better than worshiping for eighty-three years

    Another benefit of worshiping Shab Qadr is that all past sins are forgiven. Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) says that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “I believe in Lailatul-Qadr, I will forgive you, I will forgive you what I have done.” (Bukhari, Muslim) His past sins are forgiven by worshiping on the night of Qadr.

    It was learned that by worshiping on the night of Qadr, where the reward of worshiping for more than eighty-three years will be obtained, then all previous sins will also be forgiven. Therefore, every believer should have this desire in his heart and should intend that we will definitely worship in the night of Qadr.

    But on which night the night of Qadr takes place, it has been definitively told that it is one of the nights of Ramadan, because Allah Almighty said in the Holy Quran that the Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan. Surah Al-Baqarah) and in another place he said that We sent down the Qur'an on the night of Qadr (Surah Al-Qadr). By combining these two things, it is known that the Night of Qadr is in Ramadan itself, but which night is not specified, so if a person continues to worship in all the nights of Ramadan, we can definitely say that He found Shab Qadr. And if one cannot do that much, then at least he should arrange more worship in the nights of the tenth and final days, because there is more hope for Shab Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten days. Make more arrangements for worship because this night also has more hope of Shab Qadr. However, it should be remembered here that this is a matter of hope and more probability, and as far as the sure and final thing is concerned, there may be one night of Shab Qadr in the whole of Ramadan.

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