My Partner-in-Crime: A Cousin's Spoiling Love

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello, hivers! It's me again @patrixx21, back for another blog.


    Have you ever had a cousin who felt more like a sibling? Someone who's your partner-in-crime, your biggest cheerleader, and occasionally a little too generous with the spoiling? So in this blog, I'll be sharing story about our crazy adventures, the lessons we learned from each other, and the unwavering support that defines our unique bond.


    Deyonce was more than just my cousin; she was my companion, my best friend, and occasionally my worst facilitator. Since she was one year older than me, she viewed me as a baby sister to be cherished rather than her brother, who always make fun and arguing with her, but I know that they love each other and that's just their love language.


    Then, even if we're close we somethings argue as well, in many other things and in this adoration, frequently showed in ways that were at once very sweet and occasionally a little annoying to each other.


    Presents were the most obvious way that she spoiled me, especially when it comes to foods because I love eating so much. Holidays and birthdays were an explosion of brightly wrapped packages with the things she knew that I want and I'd like to have. Something simple as a quick visit could be as many foods that she'd bought for me and I felt love just by remembering me in her way home.


    She spoiled me beyond material goods with experiences. Weekends spent at her house resembled little journeys. Our laughter would be heard and the shouts, just by talking about our lives and crying about what the future holds for us, would echo as we spent hours in her room. Movie marathons on rainy days meant mountains of popcorn and never-ending bowls of candy.


    Even though these were definitely enjoyable experiences, she struggled to provide the routine I occasionally craved. Being a busy college student with many other things to do, she didn't always have free time. So, we sometimes had to wait and find opportunities to spend time together.


    Her love, though, extended far beyond the spoiling. My biggest supporter was Deyonce. Even when I made an off-key note while singing our favorite song, she would still smile proudly and continue to sing with me. She would help me with my school projects late into the night, gently guiding me through my frustrations. She was there with an endless supply of tissues, a silly joke, and an embrace when I needed it at my lowest. Most importantly the real gifts, that Deyonce gave me were her undying love and support for anything that I do.


    Also, there's really one of the event that I will never forget is when the two of us went for a walk to treat ourselves, because we were already stressed, and then while eating we talked about life and how hard our feeling is and I didn't expect that we would cry like a baby because a while ago we were just talking and also we are in a public place so there were many people watching around, but we couldn't stop ourselves and care less because when it comes to family we are so vulnerable and that's our weakness, so I'm happy that she's always there for me because I will always be here for her too.


    As I got older, I started to understand Deyonce's spoiling in more detail. It came from a place of sincere feeling and a wish to see me grow beautifully. I did, however, eventually learn how to express my needs. I began to value experiences more than material possessions. Our relationship became more well-balanced, based on love and respect.


    Looking back, I think that sometimes I was a bit of a brat because of Deyonce's spoiling. But it also brings up an adventurous spirit and a faith in the effectiveness of love and care for having each others back. It serves as a constant reminder that, sometimes, the most valuable things in life aren't bought, but freely given by those who cherish you, to your flaws and all.


    That's all for today's update. See you on my next blog, bye.... Don't forget to support by reblogging and upvoting. Thank you!

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