Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! / Quora is OP as hell!

in voilk •  10 days ago




    Today I brought a Guild Brawl battle and I will try to show you why I am thinking that Quora Towershead is the deadliest and strongest monster in the whole game.

    Usually Quora is banned from the Brawls by all the Guilds and that proves it perfectly that she is an unkillable killer machine. If your Barracks has level 3 it will mean that your Guild will be able to ban one monster from the enemy team, but only in your home battles.


    That is quite powerful and only you will be able to use her, which is a huge advantage over your opponent. 😁

    My upcoming Battle ruleset(s)


    Melee MayhemMelee attack Monsters can attack from any position.
    Healed OutAll healing abilities are removed from Monsters and Summoners.
    Taking SidesNeutral Monsters may not be used in battles.

    The mana cap for my next battle is 22, which is quite low, because Quora Towershead cost exactly 10 mana, so it is important to choose low mana monsters next to her.

    Hopefully my opponent will also bring a lot of low mana monster, so Quora would be able to kill them one by one and take advantage of her Bloodlust ability. The Bloodlust ability means that she will increase all of her own stats by one permanently if she manages to kill her target. 😆

    The Melee Mayhem ruleset will enable all the melee attack monsters to attack from the back of my lineup, but unfortunately the Healed Out ruleset will remove the Heal ability from my Quora.

    The Taking Sides ruleset is nto a big deal, because it only eliminates the neutral monsters from the battle on both sides. 😏


    My lineup

    Immortalis is a six mana cost legendary summoner from the Earth Splinter, so he will be able to bring Quora in his lineup. He has three abilites, which is amazing. The first one is to decrease the health of all the enemy monsters by one. The second is to provide the Void ability to his monsters, which will halves all the incoming magic attack. His third ability is the Shatter, so all of his monsters will destroy all the enemy armor on hit. 😇
    The Failed Summoner is an excellent low mana cost tank and he is especially good against the magic attack monsters, because he has the Magic Reflect ability. Sadly he is not able to attack, but his high health makes him an okay tank for only two mana. 😊
    The Fungus Flinger has only one ability on its own, which is the Martyr, but that is an amazing one especially in the combination with Quora. When the Fungus dies he will increase all the stats of the monsters next to him, which is another perfect buff for my Quora. 😍
    Quora Towershead cost 10 mana, which is not cheap, but she is the key monster of this lineup. As soon as she manages to kill an enemy monster she will increase all of her stats making her stronger and stronger throughout the battle. 💪
    The Mycelic Morphoid cost only one mana and I used him to deal one damage from the back of my Quora thanks to the Melee Mayhem ruleset. 😅
    The Brownie is an amazing one mana cost monster and on top of that he has the Swiftness ability, which will increase the speed by one on all of my friendly monsters. 😎
    The Fungus Fiend cost zero mana, so he is an easy fit and he is able to take advantage of his melee attack as well, because of the Melee Mayhem ruleset. 😉


    The Battle


    Please click on the picture if you want to see the replay of the battle.

    26uUsAjKTsXCDw7zixZR182JbFKvgzJ9YwsFpTVcRaGCmsqhA1unTgpqrAP9TBG3ngbmQff8XmGHioYU3At33cTpyHohG4z2ZWA19cNAtQpXz8JTL2Eth5Vxc1U3ozJdzUmyRRsLcmFgYoQ2JHa18eEtgZCjy2QR4hqU22 (1).png

    My opponent brought Tarsa, because he wanted to take advantage of her +1 melee and health bonus, because the Melee Mayhem ruleset will allow all of his melee attack monsters to attack. 😏

    In the first round my opponent killed my Failed Summoner, because most of the enemy monsters were quicker. He also attacked my last monster using the Tenyii Striker who has the Sneak ability and it was easy to kill him, because he had only two health.

    The second round had a nice start, because my Quora managed to kill their Serpent of the Flame who was pretty strong as a tank and with that kill Quora increased her own stats by one.

    His Bloodlust monster Fina Voxom killed my Fungus Flinger and levelled herself up, but with that kill my Fungus levelled my Quora up as well. 😁

    I lost my Brownie at the end of the round, but luckily he didn't attack Quora, who was able to kill their Fina Voxom in the third round who was the biggest threat in their lineup .

    In the fifth round my Quora was quick enough to attack their Striker first and she was able to kill him instantly. Their Nimbledook Scout had no attack at all, so it was easy to acquire the win for my team. 😇

    26uUsAjKTsXCDw7zixZR182JbFKvgzJ9YwsFpTVcRaGCmsqhA1unTgpqrAP9TBG3ngbmQff8XmGHioYU3At33cTpyHohG4z2ZWA19cNAtQpXz8JTL2Eth5Vxc1U3ozJdzUmyRRsLcmFgYoQ2JHa18eEtgZCjy2QR4hqU22 (1).png

    Battle Result


    Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

    My strategy was simple, because I wanted to buff up my Quora to a level where she doesn't have any threat to herself thanks to her Bloodlust ability and the help from the Fungus Flinger and his Martyr ability. 😇

    I would always recommend using her, because she is one of the strongest monster in the game currently! 🤗


    If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. 😉

    Thank you so much 🙏 that you took the time to read my Social Media Challenge. I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞


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