Level up and win big.

in voilk •  2 months ago

    As a beginner, it is always somewhat difficult when explaining certain things about SPL. Especially if you cannot do good research about the game yourself. I could remember back then how I used to disturb the person that taught me, unlike before. Everything is now on the platter of gold. I mean, you can now decide to rent a card in the game and have your own combinations of cards to use while playing the game.


    As a beginner, it might be a little bit hard trying to surf around the whole process on how to get a card. The first thing I did as a beginner was to learn how some cards work. I can't believe I spent a couple of days studying the abilities of the cards so I would be able to at least differentiate between the abilities and know the exact one to use while selecting the cards.

    Once you bought your spell book and some credit was given to you, it is good to know that the credit will be used to purchase or rent some cards in the market. Although there are other ways in which you can earn cards, even by playing games, and at the end of the seasons you might be lucky to have some.

    Why do you need to level up your cards?
    Remembered how I started, as a novice, although I'm still learning. But then I didn't know how to rent a card; in fact, I didn't know they used to rent cards, so all I did was play the game, but at some point when I got to bronze level, I couldn't move further. I tried my best, but I will be defeated in the battle. Not until someone saw my battle and told me I needed to level up my cards.

    He taught me how to do that, and I did. One good thing about level-up cards is that you will have chances to win your battles.

    As for me, I level up both the summoner and the monsters. I've gotten some monsters I like to use, so they are always first on my agenda.

    Knowing which combination of cards to use is very important; for instance, if I'm using Kelya, a friendly summoner. I'm definitely combining diemonshark, deeplucker, and merdalin guardian. As always, my priorities. And of course I've got some other good cards to use.

    Meanwhile, if I'm using Thaddius summoner, I will definitely be using cursed windeku and so on. I personally love to increase my cards to the max, if not max, then to level 8. If you are using a card in level one and you increase it to max or a good level, you will see the beauty of that card. Some might come with three different abilities, which you will not have in level one, and the only way to win a battle is by having good abilities in your battles.

    In summary, if you really want to win a battle, then level up your cards and find a way to choose a good card combination; you will not know how to choose a combination until you start playing the game more often.

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