I Have No Regrets

in voilk •  2 months ago

    I don't want anything to come and scatter my dreams for me, I am not going to get married, never! I have said this several times while I was growing up and I meant every word of it. Because, I knew getting married will be a distraction, it will hinder me from going to places I want to go, doing things I wanted to do. Aside from that, I saw my Dad treating my mum in an awful way which made me hated marriage.

    Deep down, I always wish my mother should just run away but hell no! That woman stood her ground till today. I give her accolades each time but I always tell her it can never be me😂
    But then, life they say is what happens when you are busy planning other things and I can't deny that. Right now I am at a particular stage in life that sometimes I sit and ask myself "this wasn't part of my plan, how did I get here"😅 or I say things that sounds like regrets "I would have been far by now" however, immediately I saw this month's prompt. I had a different view entirely, I realized I paid a price to be here today. Let's take quick look at what the prompt says

    What Price did you pay to be who you are today? Do you regret having to pay that price?

    I'm not gonna lie, getting married and having kids is one of the prices I paid because, one, I never saw myself getting married, even when I met my husband, I told him that he should forget about having something serious to do with me because I go serve am hot breakfast 😂 not knowing that bro was shuffling his cards well

    Hehe! Look at me now, I am a wife and a mother today,most people were shocked to see me get married but it happened. And because of the kind of person I was and the decisions I made, my husband most at times thinks I sometimes regret getting married. Nah! I have never for once did even though I can't have access to most of my dreams, I am limited to making so many decisions now because I am married but I am say I regretted it


    How can I ever regret being a mother or getting married, it is the price I paid for my kids to come into this world. Each time I look at them, I smile like someone who has won a lottery. I have no regrets whatsoever.

    @kenechukwu97 believe me when I said this prompt gave me a different view of where I am today. Thank you for the topic

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