Some people never die

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Every creature will die someday, and that's the law of nature. Humans are also mortal, and death is the most certain thing in this world. Nobody has the power to deny it, but some people become immortal in our hearts because of their activities. We remember them with love.

    I am still 25, and during this time I lost many people from my life who were well connected to me. Especially in the last few years, I have lost most of them. Many of them were my favorites, and I can write about all of them, but choosing one is indeed difficult. After thinking a lot, I chose to share about one of my teachers.

    The name of the teacher was Biressor Nondi (nickname: Biru). He used to teach us biology in batches, and we used to go there 3/4 days in a week. I received my biology lectures from Biru sir approximately more than 1.5 years in my intermediate level. His teaching skill was superb, and I never doubted it, but today I am not going to discuss it. The first thing is that he was a very good man with a great personality with a lot of achievements in his career as a student and as a teacher, but he is one of the most polite teachers I have ever seen.

    His personality was cool, and in rare cases, I have seen aggression in his character. Most of the time, he used to be in a funny mood and used to make us laugh, but sometimes his cold voice with little aggression was very fearful. He was very friendly with all students, and in my case, I was more friendly to him because I went to his batch through one of his friends, who was my cousin. I was so close to him that I used to share my personal issues with him in case I needed any kind of suggestion, and Biru sir always helped me by giving good advice and suggestions. Because of the extra bonding, somehow I got a little bit of an of an advantage as well. He used to treat me like his brother.

    He used to guide me and instruct me in my career. Again many times he advised me to be a good person. I can clearly remember his one statement. The statement was "Intishar, In life, becoming a good person is the most important thing, and it's also the most difficult. Your career is also important, but it's not more important than being a good person. At some point in your life, you will feel that the career and achievement you get are actually nothing more than an illusion. The real achievement will be your personality and how many hearts you own of others." His words were inspiring, and his personality automatically taught me many lessons.

    I was able to know about his personal experience and his life struggles as I was close to him. In his life, he struggled a lot. From his experience, I learned one thing: we should never lose hope in ourselves, and we need to fight till the end, even if there are only a few possibilities for success.

    During the time of the intermediate exam (before his course exam), I called him and told him to bless me, as the next morning I was going to face the exam. He was talking to me in a funny way, and that also made me laugh, and before going to sleep, it made my mood very good. After 3 days of the exam, my cousin told me that your Biru sir might have died because he heard something like that. I directly logged in to my Facebook and found the green light, which means he was currently active then. I messaged him, and the message was also delivered, which gave me relief, and I thought someone might joke about it as he shared one post related to death at that time. So I directly focused on my study again because the next day I had to face a chemistry exam. Later in the evening, I received confirmation of the death of my teacher from my cousins.

    Immediately I checked Facebook again, and still it was showing a green dot, which means active, but in his profile timeline, many people started to share sad posts. While reading those posts, I became emotional. Tears were trying to come out of my eyes, and I was trying to restrict them, but at the end, I couldn't stop crying. It was hard for me to believe that I lost him. I wouldn't be able to see him, and I would not be able to talk to him at any time. I was thinking that it was a bad dream and that everything would be fine after I woke up. Unfortunately, that was the reality. The next day I went to an exam, and I started writing in a serious mood, but after half an hour somehow I started to think about Biru Sir. During the time of the exam, I was thinking whatever happened yesterday was not real, but I knew it was real, and tears started to flow. I couldn't resist it.

    It was a time when I felt life was unfair and cruel to me. Nor could I stop my tears, nor could I stop my writing, as it's one of the most important exams in my career. Everyone was busy with their exams, so nobody noticed my tears either. I knew I was close to him, but after losing him, I felt an emptiness which I didn't expect. He had taken up a huge place in my heart.

    The incident has already crossed 7 years or more, and today I am writing about it. I didn't notice that tears came to my eyes. I think it's this kind of thing that is hard to express. I can only feel it.

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