Splinterlands Social Media Challenge hesitating whether to buy the promotional cards, winning with Baron's Bounty

in voilk •  3 months ago

    There are just a few days left until the Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event ends!, and if you are still not convinced to buy the Baron's Bounty card, I will show you a battle where this card is used and it is one of the vital reasons for victory.

    In addition to having a card that will allow you to carry out an interesting winning strategy, it gives you the chance to win interesting rewards, such as older packs such as UNTAUMED among others, tiertas, etc.




    In the battle rules we have:

    BRIAR PATCH: Gives all cards the THORNS ability. We have that cards with melee attack, which attack cards with the THORNS ability, will be returned 2 damage to the enemy.
    FIRE & REGRET: All cards are given the RETURN FIRE ability.
    All cards with ranged attacks that attack cards with RETURN FIRE ability are returned half the damage done.

    These two battle conditions mean that cards with melee or ranged attacks make it of little benefit to use them since damage will be returned to them, which would cause them to finally die.

    We also have that we can use 99 mana, that is, there is no mana limit and only the colors red, black and white.

    My Team


    This summoner, being level 3, will allow me to summon cards with a good level, it also gives all my cards the MAGIC REFLECT ability, so in this case my enemy will return the damage to any card he puts, which It gives me a very big advantage, and thus my enemy will receive damage both from my cards and when he attacks, whatever cards he uses.


    This card will be my first tank as it has 4 shield and 7 life but the VOID ARMOR ability allows the magic damage to hit the shield first and then the life of this card, which would allow it to resist cards with magic attack.

    In addition, the KNOCK OUT ability allows you to do double damage to cards that have STUM, which, added to the REVEALER card, will allow you to activate this ability as that card has the ability to apply STUM to enemy cards.


    This will be my second tank as it has flight ability, it allows me to dodge any attacks.

    His BLOODLUST ability, which increases all statistics by removing an enemy card, making it more deadly.

    Its OPPRES ability, which allows double damage to cards without attack, which lately is very common to see the use of this type of cards when using cards with the WAPONDS TRAINING ability, which gives attack to this type of cards, which which makes this skill more valuable.


    This card will contribute to reducing the speed of my enemy, which will benefit me by thus increasing the possibility of dodging my enemy's attacks and making it possible for me to attack my enemy first, although the latter will not be so essential since my alignment is quite slow.


    Here in this fight you will see how this card significantly reduces the attack power of my enemy with its HALVING ability, and with its random attack it allows me to reduce the attack power of several cards regardless of whether the enemy uses a card with the TAUNT ability.


    This card will help me by applying the STUM ability, which will reduce the damage received by my tank by avoiding the attack of the first card.


    This card will make a great contribution by attracting all attacks with its TAUNT ability.

    With his flying ability he can dodge several attacks.


    RONDA 1 AND 2

    In this first turn I attack his CURSED WINDEKU with all the cards, leaving him at 5 life.

    Only my BARON FYATT attacks his DJINN MUIRAT, halving his attack and through his VOID ARMOR ability he hits his shield and leaves him at 7 shield and when attacking this he receives 1 more damage and remains at 6 shield.

    My enemy is forced to attack my HELHEIM DEMON with all his cards and they leave him at 3 life.

    Only his CURSED WINDEKU attacks my DJINN MUIRAT and leaves him at 3 life.

    In round 2, attacking with all my cards, I eliminate his CURSED WINDEKU. My USUT is the one that manages to eliminate CURSED WINDEKU, increasing all of its statistics so, among other things, it will do 2 damage the next turn.

    Only my BARON FYATT attacks his SILENT SHA-VI and reduces his attack by half and leaves him at 4 life.

    My enemy manages to eliminate it by attacking with his SILENT SHA-VI and his LYRA THE DARK.

    Then they attack my DJINN MUIRAT with their RAVENHOOD WARDEN which misses their attack and their DJINN MUIRAT and leaves it at 5 life.

    ROUND 3 to 4

    In the third round he manages to attack his ARKEMIS THE BEAR with all my cards and leaves it at 6 life, but he also manages to apply a STUN to it. which prevents this from attacking.

    Only my BARON FYATT attacks his LYRA THE DARK, leaving him at 5 health and also halving his attack.

    My enemy attacks my BOOGEYMAN with his LYRA THE DARK and leaves him at 2 health, and attacks my REVEALER with his SILENT SHA-VI and leaves him at 3 health.

    He ends up attacking his DJINN MUIRAT with his DJINN MUIRAT and RAVENHOOD WARDEN leaving him at 3 life.

    In the fourth turn my enemy attacks my BOOGEYMAN with his LYRA THE DARK and left him at 1 life, and here you can see the importance of the attack reduction of his LYRA THE DARK for me BARON FYATT since this prevented me from eliminating her this turn.

    It also affected his SILENT SHA-VI, which attacks my REVEALER with its reduced attack, leaving him at 2 health when he could have died, while he dies from the damage from thorns.

    RONDA 5, 6 AND 7

    In round 5 my enemy attacks and eliminates my BOOGEYMAN with his LYRA THE DARK but he remains at 3 life due to return fire.

    Then he manages to eliminate my DJINN MUIRAT by attacking with his RAVENHOOD WARDEN
    and his DJINN MUIRAT.

    I attack his DJINN MUIRAT with all my cards and they leave him at 4 life.

    In the sixth round his DJINN MUIRAT is eliminated by being attacked by all my cards and the damage received by MAGIC REFLECT, only my BARON FYATT attacks his LYRA THE DARK leaving it at 1 life.

    My enemy manages to attack my USUT with his DJINN MUIRAT and his RAVENHOOD WARDEN leaving him at 9 life since one of the attacks hits the shield.

    Attack my REVEALER with his LYRA THE DARK, leaving him at 1 life.

    Already in the seventh turn I completely exterminated my opponent.


    Here the key to my victory was the use and great luck of being able to combine the battle rules BRIAR PATCH and FIRE & REGRET that gave all the cards the abilities of THORNS AND RETURN FIRE, which Added to the MAGIC REFLECT ability that my summoner gave him, my enemy started at a disadvantage.

    This made it the card that my enemy summoned, they would all receive damage from my attacks and for attacks that my enemy makes to my cards they would also receive damage back.

    Here you can see the great potential of the BARON FYATT card that thanks to the fact that it reduced the attack of 3 cards of the enemy, it prevented him from killing my cards so quickly which allowed them to attack and thus reduce my enemy's alignment even more .

    The REVEALER also contributed with its STUM ability since this prevented some attacks, lengthening the life of my tanks by not receiving this damage for a turn, allowing this card to be eliminated before they attacked again.


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