The Five Alive ~ Think It As Ordinary

in voilk •  3 months ago


    hello everyone

    Welcome to my Splinterlands Battle Mage Secret post, this post is a challenge we have everyweek that we share one of our battle related to certain theme. Today theme is about FIVE ALIVE ruleset. Five Alive ruleset limits your unit selection up to 5 units only.

    In my opinion, this is one of the lame ruleset. nothing special about this, so if you ask me, better we think nothing happen here. 6 unit and 5 unit is not much different anyway.



    Yeah, this was the ruleset I had been looking for, one only and that one was FIVE ALIVE. We had 24 mana cap here, so I believed I needed to build up a line up with some small mana unit, and one core units.

    I could go with life or death here, but I prefer to go with death. I had a gold level deck, so my death lineup should be able to deliver some status ailment. so here was my lineup

    PositionCardAbilityPlan and Strategy
    Summoner-1 Magic, -1 lifeThere are two reason why I would go with Thaddius Brood. First my main or core unit will be Cursed Windeku. Second, death has many good small mana units
    Main TankThorn, HealMy plan is simple, focus on one unit and the rest are meant to support the core unit. This is my core unit, Cursed Windeku. The reason is simple, good melee damage, a thorn ability and heal... He will keep healing himself 3 point per round, and this number is very important.
    SecondReach, afflictionA good secondary tank with affliction ability. I will need his affliction to stop opponent tank heal. He will be a backup plan too incase Cursed Windeku get killed
    ThirdLife leech, PoisonVenari Bonesmith is not a weak one on the early level, but with gold level... He is something else. He will become the secondary tank by getting mroe health as the battle progress and his poison ability is the perfect choice in any kind of battle.
    FourthProtectRavenhood Warden will give 2 armor to all his team mates. He is one of a great choice for small mana cap battle. The only problem I have if my opponent come with opportunity and kill my Ravenhood Warden first
    FifthnoneThe last unit but a good choice for 2 mana unit. 2 range damage with 3 speed, not spectacular but a good choice as a filler or meat wall.


    ~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

    This was an interesting battle, both are on gold level cap, and each has opposite elements. A Death team vs A Life team, I think both of us use different approach.

    My team was more like a well honed ordinary common-rare units. Each unit has their own role for the team.

    Their team was build by adding 2 strong legendary units, Jared Scar and Doctor Blight. They were very strong and expensive however I did not sure whether that lineup would work or not.

    This was a Silver Modern League, so both of us were definitely human players, not bots.

    let see how this would go...


    • The battle started with both of us buffing up our team and debuffing our opponents. Not much buff and debuff here, because this was not a large mana cap battle.
    • My opponent came with 8 melee damage, 4 range damage and 1 magic damage. It's a combined 13 damage per round.
    • My team had 6 melee damage, 4 range damage and 2 magic damage, making them a combined 12 per round.
    • Both of us had similar fire power. This should be interesting.


    • Jared Scar gone as soon as possible... and that harpy followed later. Jared was a very strong hitter but he was not a good tank. I believed in the first round, I had settled the battle due to the lost of Jared Scar.


    • Round 3 started with 2 vs 5. With this condition I could not see any comeback possible


    • good game


    Ok let make this one simple, why I won that battle so easily?

    1. There is no guarantee that if you put strong units into the team, they will make a strong team. Sometime they could not link well and no meta is form
    2. No tank = suicidal. Doctor Blight is very strong but he needs a great tank to hold the opponents. Jared Scar is a great melee units but definitely not a tank. So they do not have any tank there, no wonder they lost that badly.
    3. Five Alive doesn't need special attention, just do what you usually do and everything will be fine. Don't be like my opponent, tried something fancy and ended up losing

    That's all for my Splinterlands Battle Mage Secret post and have fun playing Splinterlands

    Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

    • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
    • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
    • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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