Patience Really Does Pays

in voilk •  4 months ago
    Hello Friends,

    A wise man once said something remarkable about the people of my generation. He said when we are younger, we wish and eager to grow up very fast, but when we became older, we wish to go back to our younger selves.

    The sad truth is that while we were eager to grow up faster, we forgot to enjoy our childhood, and now that we are older, we aren't enjoying our adulthood because we are constantly thinking about the childhood we missed.

    It's quite unfortunate that the people of my generation lives neither in yesterday nor today. We live like we would never die, but we die like we never lived. I just brought up this wise words to remind us to enjoy every single day and make it memorable.

    With this mentality, I always make sure I make every passing moment count significantly. Infact, this is evident in the way my day went yesterday.

    How My Yesterday Went

    It's funny how this Gen-z's generation tend to rush life too much. They believe everything is supposed to be done in nanoseconds. And when things go otherwise, they become frustrated and depressed, lol.

    Yesterday was really a heck of a day for me, because I spent almost half of the day in the bank trying to fix a problem that has lasted for 7 days.

    IMG_20221005_155222_38 (1).jpg
    patience does pays

    All these issues started about 7-8 days ago, when I went to a POS store to make some transactions. The POS as we call it here stands for "Point of Sale" or "Point of Service". It's usually a place where transactions made by retailers are been processed.

    The machine used for scanning our ATM cards are called POS machines, but the issue about this machine is that in some cases, they are not totally reliable. A POS machine could debit all the money in your account and still printout unsuccessful transaction. This was exactly my case.

    About 1 week ago, I used one of these POS machines to make withdrawal of about twenty thousand naira (₦20,000.00 NGN), but after I was debited, the transaction still printed out unsuccessful. The cashier refused to pay me, and recommended me to visit my bank or wait for an interval of 7 days.

    That day's story alone was a long one, as it ended with them giving me half of the money transacted, until the mix up was going to be resolved and settled.

    Yesterday was the 7th day since I made that transaction, and I hadn't gotten any refunds from my bank, so I went to the bank to place my compliant.

    IMG_20220816_160030_988 (1).jpg
    customer care section was crowded

    On reaching the bank, I nearly wanted to go back home and come back another day, because the crowd was too much. Mondays are usually busy days for bankers, because many customers whom might have had issues on Saturday's and Sunday's would all come on Monday to resolve their issues.

    The most crowded section in the bank was the the customer section, and that was the place I was. Although I went there early, but the people that had come before me were more than 50 persons.

    I tried my best to overtake some people by just going to stand in front of them, but some people were very vigilant and resilient.

    IMG_20220816_155949_353 (1).jpg
    I had to wait for my turn

    I wanted everything to be done as fast as possible, so I can go back home and rest. At first, I wanted to start arguing with the customer service for their sluggishness, but I thought within myself that it might end in further delay, so I remained calm.

    I wanted to go home and come back another day, but what if the crowd tomorrow surpasses that of today? I thought. I generated alot of patience and waited for my turn to arrive.

    As I became calm, that was when I started enjoying the process, I would start taking pictures, and observing people's reactions. I even ended up making new friends.

    Most importantly, it got to my turn, and the money was reversed back to my account. I went to the ATM machine and withdrew it. I then went straight to the POS attendant that started this issue in the first place, and we settled our differences in peace.

    I learned that patience is the ability to stay calm and observant until it gets to our turns. It's as when you become patient that you would achieve your goal.

    IMG_20221005_155155_669 (2).jpg
    My funds was later refunded successfully

    I now carry this consciousness of being patience wherever I go, and I hope to walk in its energy all year long.

    All images and pictures as used in this article are mine.

    Thanks for your time here.

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